On Dec 3, 2007 10:41 AM, Murat Eken <eken.murat@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a small feature request for the next version of the Subclipse UI; the
> import wizard dialog lists the SVN Checkout Wizard in the Other category; I
> think it makes more sense to put that in the SVN category (as it is the case
> within the new wizard dialog). You probably need to duplicate the SVN
> category definition from the org.eclipse.ui.newWizard in the
> org.eclipse.ui.importWizards extension point and update the category of the
> wizard.
> In addition, is it possible to rename the id of the CheckoutWizard in the
> import section to, for instance,
> org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.ui.wizards.import.CheckoutWizard to
> differentiate it from the CheckoutWizard that is defined in
> org.eclipse.ui.newWizard (even though they're implemented by the same
> class)? That way, I can enable/disable the CheckoutWizard in the import
> dialog using activities. Right now both import and new wizards are sharing
> the same id hence I can only enable/disable both at the same time.
> These are quite trivial enhancements, if you'd agree with them, I'd be
> prepared to contribute with a patch.
Please file an issue in the issue tracker and attach your patch when
it is ready. Patches have to be made against trunk.
Mark Phippard
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Received on Mon Dec 3 16:44:20 2007