Mark Phippard schrieb:
> On 6/27/07, Markus KARG <> wrote:
>> I want to report that I have possibly found a bug.
>> I am using Eclipse 3.2.2 with latest Subclipse (auto-update).
>> I did the following:
>> Team --> Branch --> [X] Switch to new branch
>> That worked pretty well. The branch is created and Eclipse tells me that
>> the project is no more pointing to trunk but to the new branch.
>> But in the svn log console I got this:
>> copy -rHEAD svn://svn/QUIPSY5/MMGT-EJB/trunk
>> svn://svn/QUIPSY5/MMGT-EJB/branches/mk-MMGTFKS
>> Bad URL passed to RA layer
>> svn: URL 'svn://svn/QUIPSY5/MMGT-EJB/branches/mk-MMGTFKS/trunk'
>> non-existent in revision '6709'
>> switch svn://svn/QUIPSY5/MMGT-EJB/branches/mk-MMGTFKS C:/Dokumente und
>> Einstellungen/Karg/workspace/MMGT-EJB -rHEAD
>> At revision 6709.
>> I thought that it is a bug of SVN itself, so I tried the same command
>> there -- and it worked very well.
>> It seems as if Subclipse adds a "/trunk" to the new branch's path...?
> There is no bug. The person that implemented the switch option was
> just very thorough. There is no way to know if the copy created a
> trunk folder or not, so it is simply checking to see what the copy did
> before it does the switch. The error message in the console just
> comes from us discovering that a trunk folder was not created and you
> can see this in the switch command that comes after where we do not
> include trunk in the URL.
Just to understand: What shall it be good for? I mean, it shall just
switch to the exact branch that I created. Why checking for the possibly
postfix "/trunk"?
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