On 5/25/07, Eugene Kuleshov <eu@md.pp.ru> wrote:
> Mark Phippard wrote:
> > The "policy" for this feature as defined by TortoiseSVN and Subclipse
> > was essentially that it is up to the user to make sure the properties
> > are available locally. I'd suggest you assume the properties do not
> > exist if you navigate up to the checked out project folder and have
> > still not found them.
> Hmm. For some reason I thought that Subclipse does pickup bugtraq:*
> properties from above the checked out project in commit dialog and
> history view and for Subclipse those properties are declared at the top
> of the repository.
We have a preference to do it for the history view when browsing
remote history. We never do it on anything local (history/commit).
TortoiseSVN only offers it for local.
> > I'd like to see us consider dropping these properties in our own
> > projects once the IZ Mylar connector is released. I played around
> > with that idea, and it seemed to work OK except I noticed that issues
> > in log messages are not hyperlinked. Is this because the IZ connector
> > does not support that yet?
> There are several factors. First of all IZ connector don't have bug
> hyperlink detector (yet), it has to be Eclipse 3.3 (that introduced
> hyperlink support) and may also require Mylar 2.0M3 (there was some
> fixes for matching projects with SVN resources).
> Another reason to keep bugtraq:* properties is that they would allow
> to match repository for non-local resources, for example when History
> view is opened for something from the Repositories view. I wonder if svn
> client could provide a faster one call API to get properties from up to
> the root of the repository.
There is a roadmap item to add something called "Inherited
Properties", which would do this sort of thing. It is a hard problem
and has not gone far. They are struggling with this issue a bit with
the merge tracking feature because it has a need like this.
Most likely it is not a feature we will see anytime soon.
Mark Phippard
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Received on Fri May 25 19:48:06 2007