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[Subclipse-dev] Re: [Subclipse-users] Incorrect EclipseZone Post

From: Mark Phippard <markphip_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2007-03-08 03:16:27 CET

On 3/7/07, Jack Repenning <jrepenning@collab.net> wrote:
> On Mar 7, 2007, at 12:47 PM, Mark Phippard wrote:
> There is a post on EclipseZone that says I have gone to work for
> Polarion. This is not true. I am assuming it is a mistake of the author
> and that Polarion did not really spread this information at EclipseCon.
> http://www.eclipsezone.com/eclipse/forums/t91217.html
> Hopefully it will be corrected by the time you read this as it is also
> included in the aggregated blurb going around the Internet.
> I did recently get hired by CollabNet to work on Subversion and Subclipse,
> and I assume that is the source of the author's mistake. This is great new
> for this project (and of course me) so it is distressing to see this post
> circulating which implies the exact opposite has happened.
> Please do not flood the author or site with comments. I just wanted to
> clarify this in advance.
> I saw a Polarian/Subversive flyer, and the one I saw didn't say anything
> of the sort. I also saw Michal's "Inside Subversive" talk, and his
> statements were all correct.
> In both contexts, there is mention of a desire to cooperate with the
> Subclipse community, and I suppose I could see how a hasty reading could get
> those miss-sorted into the brain.

My assumption has always been that the author of the EclipseZone post saw an
announcement from CollabNet, also saw something from Polarion and just
confused things by the time he got to a computer to blog the news of the
day. The article has been updated and I blogged a correction, so all should
be well. I just wanted to be sure users did not see the original
announcement and not the corrections. Of course getting confirmation that
Polarion did not make this claim is also helpful.

Mark Phippard
Received on Thu Mar 8 03:16:39 2007

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