I found the reason. There's no missing Linux fragment. Instead I had to
do two things:
1. Install the "subversion-javahl" package using the Package Manager,
i.e. "Add/Remove software". The "subversion-javahl" package is only
visible under the "List" tab and apparently not installed unless you
explicitly do so.
2. Add -vmargs -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib to my Eclipse launcher.
I saw some mention about this in the subversion FAQ. Perhaps it would be
a good idea to include my two steps as a simple way to do it on Fedora?
I was that close to waste more time by actually download the source in
order to build the stuff.
IMHO, in order to save other people the same trouble I had, the JavaHL
debacle on *nix platforms should be thoroughly explained on the
http://subclipse.tigris.org/install.html page. It's not even mentioned
there now.
Kind Regards,
Thomas Hallgren
Thomas Hallgren wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm installing Subclipse 1.0.5 on a Linux box (Fedora core 6 on a 32
> bit, Intel). Everything seemed to work well until I brought up my
> preferences and saw messages complaining about a missing
> libsvnjavahl.so. Looking into the plugins directory of my
> installation, I only see three subclipse plugins
> (org.tigris.subversion.subclipse,
> org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core, and
> org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.ui). On my windows box there's an
> additional org.tigris.subversion.javahl.win32 fragment. Isn't there
> supposed to be a org.tigris.subversion.javahl.linux.x86 fragment on a
> Linux box? Is it somehow missing from the 1.0.5 release?
> Kind Regards,
> Thomas Hallgren
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Received on Wed Feb 28 14:41:28 2007