Yes, that's very probably it.
Aren't you supposed to put a check-mark in the "Unpack the
plugin-archive after the installation" in the feature editor for plugins
like this? I know you used to, and back then this problem was not
apparent. We always do that with the more complex Buckminster plugins.
Kind Regards,
Thomas Hallgren
Mark Phippard wrote:
> On 11/26/06, Thomas Hallgren <> wrote:
>> The Buckminster SVN plugin currently rely on subclipse.core 1.0.x and
>> has some direct references to the ISVNClientAdapter. It uses it to
>> checkout files etc. since it's important for us to do things in two
>> steps. The first step is to perform checkouts to the file system (and
>> not to the Eclipse workspace), the second involves binding selected
>> artifacts to the Eclipse workspace, possibly after some modifications.
>> In particular, we do not want to make Eclipse aware of the things we
>> checkout until we decide its time to do so (which might be never).
>> I tried the SVN 1.1.8 today and discovered that the ISVNClientAdapter is
>> no longer visible. I'm all for encapsulation but I need some help with
>> this. Is it still possible to do checkouts without creating workspace
>> resources? If so, how do I do that?
> It is still visible, after all the UI plugin uses it for stuff.
> One thing that someone else who had this problem discovered was that
> it was not visible in his development environment unless he had our
> core plugin in the workspace. Some kind of Eclipse PDE bug when there
> are JAR's within JAR's.
> Mark
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Received on Tue Nov 28 19:19:42 2006