FSauer@dsthealthsolutions.com wrote:
> I've modified the subclipse ui because we had a requirement to
> integrate with the Jira issue tracker,
> so that the commit dialog in subclipse actually queries for and shows
> the Jira issues. Now, in order to
> not pollute Subclipse with Jira dependencies, I did NOT add all this
> code to the subclipse ui plugin,
> but instead created a new extension point:
> org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.ui.bugtrackingui, which
> third party plugins can use to contribute a UI to the commit dialog,
> like this:
I am in favor of the concept here (using an Extension Point). I think
that you should try to get together with the Mylar people though to get
an idea of what they are doing. I think an idea was for them to define
these extension points, and then we would add the code to use it.
An example issue is to picture a scenario where I have plugins for
Bugzilla, JIRA and some other issue tracker all installed. Which one
does Subclipse interact with? There has to be some kind of
project-level configuration for this, as there is for team providers.
Mylar is working on defining that stuff.
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Received on Mon Nov 27 19:11:56 2006