"LIRA Olavo" <Olavo.LIRA@gemalto.com> wrote on 11/09/2006 07:01:37 PM:
> I'm newbie in the list and I would like to make a plug-in to
> extend the properties in the combo-box for the "set properties", could
> anyone give me an example of how will look like the "plugin.xml" to
> include my own custom pre-define properties?
> I tried something like this, but it didn't work...
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <?eclipse version="3.0"?>
> <plugin>
> <extension
> point="org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core.svnPropertyTypes">
> <category
> name="MyProperties"
> id="com.test.svn.properties">
> </category>
> <svnPropertyTypes
> type="String"
> fileOrFolder="folder"
> allowRecurse = "false"
> name="myProperty">
> <description>
> myProperty
> True / False
> </description>
> </svnPropertyTypes>
> </extension>
> </plugin>
Use the UI plugin as your model. I am not sure what that <category>
section is, that could be causing problems? Also your example would only
show up when adding a property to a folder.
Here is an example boolean property from the UI plugin:
allowRecurse = "false"
Set to "true" if your issue tracking system has issues which can
only be numbers.
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Received on Fri Nov 10 14:48:19 2006