Can someone please clarify to me how this change set support will act
for update action called on the change set nodes and on individual files?
I have feeling that it probably should not allow to update individual
files in this mode and also should not allow update change sets that are
newer then some other not-yet updated change sets in given
synchronization. This would address concerns Brock raised.
I am not sure yet how to act on conflicts yet. Mark probably has
bigger experience in this then I have, because I mostly monitoring and
picking up incoming changes and SVN-hosted projects I am working on are
not very busy, so I don't see conflicts.
Mark Phippard wrote:
>> We have added incoming Change Sets to Subclipse. Based on the revision
>> number incoming changes are grouped into Change Sets. These are displayed in the Team/Synchronize view. The Change Sets can be browsed and updated
>> similar to the incoming Change Sets of the default CVS plug-in. Using the Change Sets toggle button, incoming changes can be viewed separately or grouped into Change Sets.
>> For review and testing purposes, I'll have a built plug-in ready for download tomorrow at noon.
>> Please let me know if this makes any sense at all :-) (feedback is appreciated!!!)
> I have added comments to the issue:
> Email seems a little off, so I figured I would point it out here too.
> Mark
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Received on Thu Aug 31 20:58:58 2006