> I'm seeing a few SvnAnt test failures on trunk using the command-line
> adapter. Not much time to deal with these ATM, but I hope someone
> else can get to'em. Here are the details (reproducible via 'ant
> runTests'):
> 1) In r1770, an API for getting properties from a URL was add to
> svnClientAdapter. This API is now used by the <propget> command. The
> API's implementation is currently incomplete for the command-line
> adapter -- it passes null for the File argument to CmdLineProperty's
> constructor, which causes a NPE within that constructor:
> Testcase: testProp took 2.687 sec
> Caused an ERROR
> null
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at
> org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.commandline.CmdLineProperty.<ini
> t>(CmdLineProperty.java:35)
> at
> org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.commandline.CmdLineClientAdapter
> .propertyGet(CmdLineClientAdapter.java:737)
> at org.tigris.subversion.svnant.Propget.execute(Propget.java:100)
> ...
> Solution: CmdLineProperty needs to be refactored to handle SVNUrls as
> well as Files, and CmdLineClientAdapter's usage of CmdLineProperty
> needs to be updated accordingly.
Was already fixed in r r2516.
> 2) While a test directory is getting created properly, the wrong
> number of files is found in it:
> Testcase: testConflictedSelector took 21.181 sec
> expected:<2> but was:<0>
> junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<2> but was:<0>
> at
> org.tigris.subversion.svnant.SvnTest.testConflictedSelector(SvnTest.jav
> a:603)
> Solution: I'm guessing that the test setup is not occurring quite as
> expected, and that something needs to occur to either add the expected
> files, or (more likely) mark them as conflicted.
It turned out that the command line adapter was not setting
#getConflictedOld() etc. status fields at all.
The <conflictedSelector> was relying on that.
Adapter was fixed and unite test added in r2538.
> 3) The <info /> command is getting invoked with insufficient
> arguments, which should be triggering an Ant BuildException (from
> Info.validateAttributes()).
> Testcase: testSvnInfo took 0.746 sec
> Should throw BuildException because: Dir or file must be set.
> junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Should throw BuildException
> because: Dir or file must be set.
> at
> org.tigris.subversion.svnant.SvnTest.testSvnInfo(SvnTest.java:871)
> Solution: Either we're not triggering the BuildException like we
> should be, or we're not correctly detecting it. Figure out which is
> the problem and fix it.
This one was probably my mistake, somehow during recent refactorings the
call to validateAttributes() was lost.
It was fixed in r2536 (during addition of "failonerror").
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Received on Mon Jul 24 16:04:32 2006