I have been looking at the Eclipse.org information on how to properly add
the EPL license to code.
I have also looked through the code in various Eclipse projects for
examples. None of them see to follow these guidelines too strictly. The
Mylar project is using a format that seems like it would be well suited
for us. They also have a somewhat similar scenario where code has come in
from multiple sources. Anyway, there code all seems to have the same
header which looks roughly like this:
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2006 Subclipse project and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* Subclipse project committers - initial API and implementation
I have just changed the project names for the sake of our project.
This seems like a good way to handle this. The alternative would be to
try to assign specific copyrights and contributors to each piece of code.
I do not have any great desire to do this. Do others feel differently?
I think the other issue is just all of the code that has been based on the
CVS implementation. Technically, that code should probably have a header
that looks like what is in the CVS repository. The majority of that code
was here before I got here, so I am not sure what was copied and what
wasn't. Most of the code had the license headers just copied from those
files so even files that were clearly created by this project have a
copyright of IBM, which is incorrect.
I am leaning towards just giving all code the same header -- the one shown
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Received on Mon Jul 10 22:28:52 2006