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Re: [Subclipse-dev] Subclipse and Subversive cooperation

From: Brock Janiczak <brockj_at_tpg.com.au>
Date: 2006-04-15 14:32:24 CEST

I think everyone is in agreement that there needs to be an 'official'
SVN client hosted at eclipse.org. The question is, what form will it
take and who will support it.

Creating a new SVN project at eclipse.org has a unique set of problems.
Most notably, the total lack of SVN infrastructure
(https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=131096). Presumably, an
SVN based product should be hosted on a subversion repository. Until
the infrastructure is there this whole project looks like a non starter.

The other hurdle is the lack of interest from Platform/Team. While
there are no Eclipse projects that are using Subversion, they have
little interest in getting involved with another version control
system. They already have their hands full with CVS. It is an
unfortunate Catch-22.

As Mark mentioned, Subversive has a unique hurdle as it is tied to
JavaSVN which does not have an ASF, CPL or EPL license. Eclipse have
very strict guidelines on licensing and it is unlikely they would accept
JavaSVN as a dependency while it has a custom license. Perhaps one way
around this is to move JavaSVN under the Eclipse umbrella and continue
to develop it as part of the SVN client project (if Alex is willing).

Speaking for myself, the problem I have with joining with the Subversive
team is a lack of trust. To me, the initial reason of Polarion creating
Subversive are still unclear to me, which makes me distrustful. If the
goal all along was to add SVN support to the base Eclipse SDK, then why
wasn't a technology project setup at eclipse.org before you started
coding? It would have been an excellent opportunity for collaboration.

As for cooperating, that depends on how you define it. If you mean drop
Subclipse and work on Subversive, then the answer is "no". If the
official SVN integration were a whole new product that reused neither
Subclipse, not Subversive then i would consider it, so long as it were
developed with the help/guidance of Platform/Team. Right now, that is
the only approach that will satisfy both parties.

Could you please make your project proposal public so we can have a look
at it. Right now, we don't really know what you are proposing.


Igor Vinnykov wrote:
> Dear Subclipse Team,
> We were pleased to see that Subclipse reached release 1.0.0. In near
> future we also plan to release version 1.0.0 of Subversive. What is
> the next? It's pretty important question for both our teams. I think
> that we have similar aims -- provide high quality SVN support for
> Eclipse. If so the natural next step is joining to eclipse.org.
> Joining to eclipse.org is one of the most important goals for us and
> now we are under discussion with eclipse.org staff. It's not a secret
> that many people in community want to see SVN support in standard
> Eclipse distribution. I think that it's very likely that eclipse.org
> will integrate SVN plugin in near future. Such step will be really
> important for all SVN community, but from the other side require a lot
> of efforts. If we will join our forces we can reach this goal faster
> and at the end can deliver more quality tool. Do you see the space for
> our teams' cooperation? I think that it should be positive answer,
> because the only serious argument against it is different goals (the
> rest can be resolved quickly), but it's not our case.
> As we write in our message to community we consider Subversive as
> solid open-source ground for Polarion commercial tools, because only
> having this ground we can reach the success. Please understand that
> our commercial tools are not contradicted to our open-source goals. If
> anybody has questions or doubts -- please feel free to ask and we will
> be happy to explain all aspects of our vision.
> Please feel free to use my contacts listed below.
> Best regards,
> Igor Vinnykov
> Polarion Team
> E-mail: igor.vinnykov (at) polarion.org
> ICQ: 176097702
> Skype: i.vinnykov
Received on Sat Apr 15 14:32:58 2006

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