"Alexander Kitaev" <alex@tmate.org> wrote on 03/28/2006 12:17:14 PM:
> After merge operation is completed Subclipse spends a lot of time
> some additional actions. I suspect it refreshes the whole project - even
> when single file is changed during merge post merge takes a lot of time.
> I took a look at MergeCommand class:
> ISVNClientAdapter svnClient =
> root.getRepository().getSVNClient();
> OperationManager.getInstance().beginOperation(svnClient);
> monitor.subTask(resource.getName());
> File file = resource.getLocation().toFile();
> svnClient.merge(svnUrl1, svnRevision1, svnUrl2,
> file, false, true);
> try {
> // Refresh the resource after merge
> resource.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new
> NullProgressMonitor());
> } catch (CoreException e1) {
> }
> And it looks that whole project is refreshed after merge. Is that
> to use the same refresh code that is used for commit or update after
> as well?
I added this to Switch and Merge because there were scenarios, probably
depending on what WC changes were made by the action, where things just
did not refresh correctly and the decorators were not updated.
Technically it refreshes the resource you selected when you took the
option. I realize in most cases this means the whole project.
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