> ...which has been confirmed via the JavaSVN source not to
> work with that previous release. I have not checked your dev
> branches to see if this late-breaking change has been
> subsequently handled (it's been less than a week since Dan
> Berlin made this change Subversion's own source tree to
> drastically reduce the size of gcc's working copies).
I made modifications to support empty and non-existing properties files.
This modifications are inclued in the version used by Subclipse.
I would like to thank David Anderson who notified me on this new feature a
week ago or so.
Interesting, that at the same time one of the JavaSVN users also asked me to
optionally remove "readme.txt" file from .svn directory, also to save disk
space, as he has a lot of directories in his working copy.
I didn't tested it well though, but as far as I understood the idea of that
feature is that empty properties files are not written to disk at all.
Development version of JavaSVN already supports that (i.e. does not save
empty prop files) and version in 1.0.x branch will not fail on empty or
non-existent properties files (and actually it didn't fail before, but I
reviewed a code just to make sure that file existance is expicitly checked).
I'm wating for 1.3-rc1 binaries to test it on my windows computer. I will
appreciate a lot if anyone could build Subversion 1.3 from sourcese for me.
> p.s. I'm really hesitant about eating off of a development
> branch. At a minimum, the source for the JavaSVN JAR
> included in svnClientAdapter (and thus Subclipse) should be
> easily reproducable. Would it be possible to get a beta or
> alpha tag for the version of JavaSVN we include?
Version of JavaSVN included into Subclipse 0.9.36 is taken from "stable"
branch that will soon be released as 1.0.x.
Revision number is 1652, branch URL is
This version is stable and pass all relevant Subversion 1.2.3 python tests
and most of 1.3 ones. I could make a tag for that version of course.
Alexander Kitaev,
TMate Software,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Rall [mailto:dlr@finemaltcoding.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 23:29
> To: AlexanderKitaev@anvil.sp.corp.collab.net
> Cc: dev@subclipse.tigris.org
> Subject: Re: [Subclipse-dev] New Subclipse release coming
> On Wed, 26 Oct 2005, Alexander Kitaev wrote:
> > > JavaSVN might not always be available, but more
> importantly, it also
> > > might not always work. Examples: no ra_local, WC format
> changes it
> > > doesn't understand (JavaSVN 0.9.2 against a SVN 1.3 WC
> will produce
> > > this), etc.
> >
> > Just to clarify that. If I do not miss anything, current stable
> > version of JavaSVN (one included into 0.9.36) will work well with
> > Subversion 1.3. wc format (including dot_net hack). It will not use
> > new "repos" entry property, but will not fail. I think that at the
> > time Subclipse for 1.3 is released there will be a new
> version of JavaSVN with full support for 1.3 features.
> Alexander, I was referring specifically to:
> http://subversion.tigris.org/svn_1.3_releasenotes.html#wc-props-change
> ...which has been confirmed via the JavaSVN source not to
> work with that previous release. I have not checked your dev
> branches to see if this late-breaking change has been
> subsequently handled (it's been less than a week since Dan
> Berlin made this change Subversion's own source tree to
> drastically reduce the size of gcc's working copies).
> Thanks, Dan
> p.s. I'm really hesitant about eating off of a development
> branch. At a minimum, the source for the JavaSVN JAR
> included in svnClientAdapter (and thus Subclipse) should be
> easily reproducable. Would it be possible to get a beta or
> alpha tag for the version of JavaSVN we include?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Received on Thu Oct 27 08:12:43 2005