Matt Doran wrote:
>Daniel Rall <dlr <at>> writes:
>>Daniel, it appears that 'svn info' is completely missing from SvnAnt.
>>As svnClientAdapter does support this function, adding this feature to
>>SvnAnt should be fairly trivial. This will happen post-1.0.0. If
>>you're up for submitting a patch, that would be fantastic (just use of
>>the existing commands as a template), but if you'd at least file an
>>issue and CC the Tigris user 'dlr', that would also be a big help.
>>In the mean time, you can either:
>>1) Try SvnAnt's equivalent of 'svn log' in conjunction with the special
>>revision "BASE", and pull the revision number out of its output.
>>2) <exec> a 'svn info'.
>>3) Parse the content of .svn/ yourself.
>>4) Write a simple Ant Task which wraps ISVNInfo.
>>Option 1 is obviously the simplest.
>>- Dan
>I also encountered this issue in our project. I wanted something that
>would work a little like the tool that ships with SVN "svnversion" or the
>TortoiseSVN tool called "SubWCRev". Both of these tools crawl the working
>copy producing a summary of the WC status. Giving you infomation like max
>revision, whether there are any modified files, the revision range if it's
>a mixed working copy. These can then be used to create product version info,
>etc. But they didn't really do what I wanted .... so I invented my own....
>I wrote my own Ant Task (that depends on JavaSVN) that does the following:
>* Crawl the working copy specified in the "path" property gathering
> the above info
>* Output the info to various ant properties (with a customisable prefix)
> that can be used later in the build process.
>Here's an example of the properties that would be set in a sample working
>copy (with modifications):
>svn.repos.url -> https://server/repos/branches/1.2.x
>svn.repos.path -> /repos/branches/1.2.x
>svn.revision.max -> 676
>svn.revision.max-with-flags -> 676M
>svn.revision.range -> 676M
>svn.modified -> true
>if it was a mixed and modified working copy the results would be like this:
>svn.repos.url -> https://server/repos/branches/1.2.x
>svn.repos.path -> /repos/branches/1.2.x
>svn.revision.max -> 676
>svn.revision.max-with-flags -> 676MX
>svn.revision.range -> 673:676M
>svn.modified -> true
>svn.mixed -> true
>I then use the and copy filters to include these properties in my build,
>and name the output jars/installers with the numbers.
>It's made including version/branch info in the build simple ... and allows
>you to see at a glance if you made a build from modified sources ... which
>is important for quality control ... and so you know exactly what you build
>was made up of.
>I've only really implemented this a few weeks ago ... but if people think
>this type of thing is useful, I'm happy to take feedback, polish it up and
>publish it for use somewhere..... or even to include in svnAnt (not that
>I've even looked at that code).
That's exactly what I need! Can you please send me this Ant task?
Daniel Serodio
Received on Tue Aug 9 22:37:16 2005