> When checking out multiple projects at the same time, you get
> an error during the checkout of the second project. See
> stack trace at end of message. I was attempting to checkout
> all of the projects under /trunk/subclipse. Basically, my
> goal was to get a really big workspace so I could do some
> performance testing.
> An update before posting. I just did it again (with
> different projects), and did not get a problem, however I was
> able to go back and recreate the problem by selecting the
> "book" and "book-feature" projects or the "feature" and
> "feature-plugin" projects. The problem seems to occur if
> name of the first project that is checked out is the "subset"
> of a subsequent project name that is checked out.
Well, sounds nasty.
According to trace, it seems the flushPendingCacheWrites is flushing changes
from a different project within a context of another
one and the synchrnonizer's operation does not like it ...
However I'm not able to reproduce it.
What were exactly the steps you performed ?
Received on Tue Jul 12 06:24:15 2005