Ian Brockbank wrote:
>>>What is the difference between an Eclipse "CVS commit set" and a
>>>Subversion revision?
>> I look at CVS commit set as a logical group of changes which is
>>belong to some specific activity, change or refactoring.
>That is exactly my understanding of the purpose of an atomic commit,
>which as I (and Mark) have said, is built into Subversion (and indeed
>most modern RCSs). If you want to call something "commit sets",
>please define it for Subversion as "the changes which make up a
>given revision". They really are a hack (however neat) to try to
>make CVS work slightly more like a proper RCS.
Right. All I'm trying to say is that svn sync view should have an
option to see incoming changes groupped along svn revisions. :-)
Received on Wed Jun 22 01:57:58 2005