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Re: [Subclipse-dev] open resource from change path list

From: Mark Phippard <MarkP_at_softlanding.com>
Date: 2005-06-20 03:00:27 CEST

> Great. Can you apply this patch then?

Yes, I will look to do so on Monday. It occurred to me that perhaps
getRepositoryRoot() ought to just return the URL if it is null? I want to
take a look at that before I commit.

> Is there are anything else todo around resource histories?

I would like to see it enhanced to use the new --limit feature of svn:log.
With this, we could just ask the server for the last N log messages. And
then add some kind of support for getting the next N as needed. This would
perform better, especially when 1.2.1 is released.

I would like to see searching/filtering of log messages added.

Perhaps more compare options or other features such as initiating a reverse
merge to back out a revision.

>> Of course you also should set your root, but this sort of code should be
>> there as a fall back.
> Hmm. Should it be set to the "/" by default if user didn't specify it?

The default wouldn't be "/" it is the full URL to the root of the
repository. There really isn't any way for us to know this.

> By the way, I've noticed that some operations are executed in main
> thread (blocking Eclipse UI) or it is somehow related to running a
> native code... This includes all operations on repository view, some
> fetches initiated from a history view.

I changed all of the ones that I thought were high priority. Most of the
ones that are left, I am not even sure it would be better to work in the
background. Feel free to tackle some of these and see if it is better or
not. I consider it fairly low priority until after we have a 1.x release
or two under our belt.

> Also, folder comparison is running in a modal progress dialog. Is
> there are issie created for this already?

There is an open issue about making it run faster, which was mostly done.
It was left open because Brock felt there was still more that could be


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