> > Right now I'm off my desk so I can't verify it, but I'm 90%
> sure that
> the
> > patch is complete.
> > The only intentional change I did was the switch to
> > PersistantResourceVariantByteStore.
> > Yesterday I was testing it in the resource perspective and it worked
> there.
> > I did not checked other perspectives.
> > However I believe that you have to somehow get rid of the "old"
> syncInfos
> > from the workspace.
> > I'm not sure but I think you should restart eclipse and do
> "Team>Synchronize
> > with repository" or something like that ...
> I just tried it with a new workspace and still do not see a
> decorator. I even closed and reopened workspace.
> I am deleting a versioned .java file from the resource
> perspective and expecting to see the parent folders show the
> modified icon.
> I am using Eclipse 3.0.1
> Mark
OK, I've tried to reproduce it.
(Eclipse 3.0.2, Windows XP, subversion 1.2.0)
0) Latest trunk - delete some .java file in resource repository - NOT WORING
- decorators on parents are not set.
1) applied patch - i.e. just replaced "new
SessionResourceVariantByteStore()" with "new
PersistantResourceVariantByteStore(new QualifiedName(SVNProviderPlugin.ID,
"workspaceSubscriber"))" in SVNWorkspaceSubscriber
2) deleted file - STILL NOT WORKING
3) revert change
4) Team/synchronize with Repository - no changes found
5) deleted file - STILL NOT WORKING
6) did some change within that .java file
7) Team/synchronize with Repository - outgoing changes found (at least that
.java file)
8) revert change
9) deleted file - SUCCESS - parent decorators got the ">" dirty flag ...
Something must be probably somehow somewhere flushed ...
Received on Sat Jun 11 01:16:53 2005