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Revisions, visibility and annotate/log

From: Magnus Naeslund(w) <mag_at_fbab.net>
Date: 2005-04-01 14:12:44 CEST

This is how we have it
import modulex to svn://repo/trunk/modulex (rev 1)
work some in trunk/modulex (rev 2)
branch svn://repo/trunk/modulex to svn://repo/branches/modulex/REL1 (rev 4)
I think i tagged it first and then branched from trunk, maybe i should
have branched from tags/ after tagging it?

Now when we do annotate directly on some unchanged file with subclipse it
can't really backtrack from where it came, so we get an error box.
We get the same when issuing a (commandline) svn log -r COMMITTED from a
file in the branch which hasn't changed since before the branch.

$ svn log -r COMMITTED ThresholdCheckerData.java
svn: File not found: revision 2, path

If you do this via the resource history and selecting the branch revision
(which is shown, but not as the currently loaded rev which is rev 2, the
rev before the branch) it works.

Is there any plan on how to fix this?
This might be a subversion problem, but I'm thinking maybe this is a
gotcha that can be solved by doing it some other way, like always loading
the annotate from resource history.

Another problem is purely a human logic one.
Say the branch have rev 4, files not changed in the branch will have rev
2 since it was where it was last changed.
If i branch again at rev 73 i'll see the rev 4 and rev 73 log messages in
resource history, but rev 2 is the "current" one.
This is a bit logically hard to grasp for users not familiar on how
branching is made on a low level.


no .sig
Received on Fri Apr 1 22:12:44 2005

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