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Re: Cannot use Subversion on Eclipse under MacOS

From: Mark Phippard <MarkP_at_softlanding.com>
Date: 2005-02-07 22:54:04 CET

Yang Song <sonyisme@gmail.com> wrote on 02/07/2005 04:49:41 PM:

> I just installed Eclipse 3.0 and added subversion to the update list
> and installed required items. But when I restart eclipse and
> try to open it via Window->open perspective->svn repository,
> it just gives me errors: Problems opening perspecvie 'org.
> tigris.subversion.subclipse.ui.svnPerspective'.
> I did the exact same thing on my Windows XP machine and
> everything is fine. What might be the problem?
> BTW: for MacOS, I use J2SE1.4.2, for XP, I use 1.5

I answered you on the other list. Install the Metissian packages.


Also, this question is more appropriate for the users@ list then the dev@



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