I applied your patch but I modified it.
url_short is now the path of the resource relative to repository root url.
> Hi Devs,
> in the CVS plugin I liked very much that I could decorate projects,
> folders and files with the currently checked out tag or branch name.
> In Subclipse there is a similiar functionality that decorates with the
> repository url. For its length that url can sometimes be unpractical.
> Attached you'll find a patch for the ui-plugin project that makes a
> new decoration {url_short} available showing only the part of the url
> above the project name. For example if your url is something like
> "http://svn.foo.org/foo/bar/myproject/src/mypackage/myfile.java" the
> {url_short} decoration would resolve to "bar" for the project, the
> package and the file, which is in most cases the current branch or tag
> name.
> I thought some others could find the patch useful, so here it is.
> Regards
> Matthias
> P.S. The patch was made against the 0.9.24 sources.
>Index: ui/src/org/tigris/subversion/subclipse/ui/decorator/SVNDecoratorConfiguration.java
>--- ui/src/org/tigris/subversion/subclipse/ui/decorator/SVNDecoratorConfiguration.java (revision 1130)
>+++ ui/src/org/tigris/subversion/subclipse/ui/decorator/SVNDecoratorConfiguration.java (working copy)
>@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
> public static final String RESOURCE_AUTHOR = "author"; //$NON-NLS-1$
> public static final String RESOURCE_DATE = "date"; //$NON-NLS-1$
> public static final String RESOURCE_URL = "url"; //$NON-NLS-1$
>+ public static final String RESOURCE_URL_SHORT = "url_short"; //$NON-NLS-1$
> // bindings for resource states
> public static final String DIRTY_FLAG = "dirty_flag"; //$NON-NLS-1$
>Index: ui/src/org/tigris/subversion/subclipse/ui/decorator/SVNLightweightDecorator.java
>--- ui/src/org/tigris/subversion/subclipse/ui/decorator/SVNLightweightDecorator.java (revision 1130)
>+++ ui/src/org/tigris/subversion/subclipse/ui/decorator/SVNLightweightDecorator.java (working copy)
>@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
> */
> public void decorateTextLabel(IResource resource, IDecoration decoration, boolean isDirty) {
> try {
>- Map bindings = new HashMap(5);
>+ Map bindings = new HashMap(6);
> // if the resource does not have a location then return. This can happen if the resource
> // has been deleted after we where asked to decorate it.
>@@ -279,6 +279,11 @@
> bindings.put(
> SVNDecoratorConfiguration.RESOURCE_URL,
> status.getUrl().toString());
>+ String shortUrl = status.getUrl().toString().substring(0, status.getUrl().toString().length() - resource.getFullPath().toString().length());
>+ shortUrl = shortUrl.substring(shortUrl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
>+ bindings.put(
>+ SVNDecoratorConfiguration.RESOURCE_URL_SHORT,
>+ shortUrl);
> }
> if (status.isAdded()) {
>Index: ui/src/org/tigris/subversion/subclipse/ui/preferences/SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.java
>--- ui/src/org/tigris/subversion/subclipse/ui/preferences/SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.java (revision 1130)
>+++ ui/src/org/tigris/subversion/subclipse/ui/preferences/SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.java (working copy)
>@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@
> bindings.put(SVNDecoratorConfiguration.RESOURCE_AUTHOR, "cchab"); //$NON-NLS-1$
> bindings.put(SVNDecoratorConfiguration.RESOURCE_DATE, DateFormat.getInstance().format(new Date())); //$NON-NLS-1$
> bindings.put(SVNDecoratorConfiguration.RESOURCE_URL, "http://localhost:8080/svn/repos/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
>+ bindings.put(SVNDecoratorConfiguration.RESOURCE_URL_SHORT, "repos"); //$NON-NLS-1$
> bindings.put(SVNDecoratorConfiguration.DIRTY_FLAG, dirtyFlag.getText());
> bindings.put(SVNDecoratorConfiguration.ADDED_FLAG, addedFlag.getText());
> bindings.put(SVNDecoratorConfiguration.EXTERNAL_FLAG, externalFlag.getText());
>@@ -499,6 +500,7 @@
> bindings.put(SVNDecoratorConfiguration.RESOURCE_NAME, Policy.bind("SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.nameResourceVariable")); //$NON-NLS-1$
> bindings.put(SVNDecoratorConfiguration.DIRTY_FLAG, Policy.bind("SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.flagDirtyVariable")); //$NON-NLS-1$
> bindings.put(SVNDecoratorConfiguration.RESOURCE_URL, Policy.bind("SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.remoteLocationVariable")); //$NON-NLS-1$
>+ bindings.put(SVNDecoratorConfiguration.RESOURCE_URL_SHORT, Policy.bind("SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.remoteLocationVariableShort")); //$NON-NLS-1$
> return bindings;
> }
>Index: ui/src/org/tigris/subversion/subclipse/ui/messages.properties
>--- ui/src/org/tigris/subversion/subclipse/ui/messages.properties (revision 1130)
>+++ ui/src/org/tigris/subversion/subclipse/ui/messages.properties (working copy)
>@@ -535,6 +535,7 @@
> SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.newResources=Indicate is &new resource
> SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.projectFormat=&Project Format:
> SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.remoteLocationVariable=url of remote repository
>+SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.remoteLocationVariableShort=last part of remote repository url (tag or branch name)
> SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.revisionResourceVariable=last revision loaded into workspace
> SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.selectFormats=Select the format for file, folders, and project text labels:
> SVNDecoratorPreferencesPage.selectVariablesToAdd=Select the &variables to add to the decoration format:
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Received on Wed Dec 8 01:11:42 2004