On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 09:38:36 +0200, Marc Guenther <marc@weblicon.de> wrote:
> We are currently evaluating switching to subversion. As I don't want to
> force all our developers to go through this whole process of setting up
> fink, I just used the available subversion packages from
> http://metissian.com/projects/macosx/subversion. I used the 1.0.6
> package, which includes a libsvnjavahl.jnilib.
heh, don't base your decision on subclipse, it isn't done yet.
> - On the website, it doesn't say that you need the fink subversion
> package installed, or otherwise it will crash Eclipse. This is a rather
> important point...
i thought it did somewhere, i'll have to rectify that (though this has
been gone over on the mailing list)
> - Why is there a libsvnjavahl.jnilib included with subclipse anyway? To
> fix my problem, I just removed the one from subclipse, and it now
> happily uses the one that the metissian package installed. Everything
> is working fine. I would think that the libsvnjavahl.jnilib should be
> part of the subversion installation, I guess the fink svn-javahl also
> installs one. So at least an option would be nice to install without
> the library.
i agree, it sucks. until today, i hadn't found a pre-compiled
libsvnjavahl for osx at all. now that you've pointed out the metissian
package, this may change.
the only reason this complaint isn't heard from windows users, is that
the svnjavahl statically links in the svn libs (no svn install is
required at all), unfortunately, nobody's been able to figure out how
to manhandle the build system to do this for *nix.
McClain Looney
Received on Thu Aug 19 23:17:53 2004