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getting team synchronization to work?

From: Aadi Deshpande <mailinglists_at_clubmom-inc.com>
Date: 2004-08-05 17:30:51 CEST


I was under the impression that Synchronize view was working ( from my
last perusal of the mailing lists ) in HEAD for subclipse-3 so I got
latest and tried to build it, with no success?

Is Synchronize not ready for prime time, because I constantly got
"Internal Error"s when I tried to either get latest or commit code,
owing to an NPE in SVNRemoteTree.java code

( if this is my mistake somehow, please let me know, and you can stop
reading here ).

I spent some time trying to get it working, and it seems like a lot of
the functionality is already there and probably needs cleaning up a bit
and some changes to logic.

So I was hoping to ask some questions here to see if someone could help
me get it into a useable state.

My first problem was that the logic in SVNRemoteTree.fetchVariant()
method. The first problem ( at least for me ) was that it tried to
build a RemoteFolderTree out of any given IResource, whether or not that
resource was a SVNKind.FILE or SVNKind.DIR.

That would eventually fail, because later on down the code, the
memberVariant is only added to the resourceVariantMap if the entry is an
SVNKind.DIR. So later on, when iterating through all the dir entries,
you would get a NPE trying to get the resource back from the map, if you
were updating only file.

I refactored it, so that ( at least in my menial tests ), it does the
'right thing' based on what IResources were passed in.

The second issue seems to be that the UpdateSynchronizeOperation seems
to use the SVNOperations.getInstance().get() method, which seems to get
the contents and set the contents in the actual resource, bypassing any
update of the actual metadata updating. it also sets the resource to
read-only so no further editing can occur. Why not use
SVNTeamProvider's update in this case?

My third issue is that once i've made the abovementioned changes, I'm
able to update fine ( commit I will be working on afterwards ), but I
cannot seen to update the tree view to reflect the changes made. The
only way I have been able to do it is by getting out of the Sycnchronize
view and refreshing it.

Please let me know if I've been barking up the wrong tree(s) or if
someone has a better handle on any/all of this than I do.

I feel that subclipse has come a long way to being eminently useable,
and this functionality would put it over the top for a lot of us, so
anything else that I can do to help expedite the situation would be
gladly taken care of.


p.s. is there an IRC channel where subclipse developers hang out? i was
at one on freenode.net, but it seems to be inactive.
Received on Fri Aug 6 01:30:51 2004

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