Hmmmm I am not seeing this problem. But maybe something has changed
with 3M7
We do mark svn Dirs as private as part of SyncFileChangeListener. When
something in .svn changes or is initially added ... it is marked as team
private by this.
McClain Looney wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been having problems wherein the svn administrative dirs (.svn)
> are being copied into the output directory. seems eclipse sees them
> as resources (like .properties files) and dutifully copies them out.
> this confuses svn and subclipse naturally. the solution is to add
> .svn to the ignored resources list, found in preferences->team.
> i think it would be a good idea to add this programatically when the
> plugin starts, as projects can easily become unbuildable (can't delete
> resources errors) without this set.
> ---
> McClain Looney
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Received on Sat Feb 21 10:42:53 2004