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Re: SVN-4859 (Merge... E155023: can't set properties...)

From: Julian Foad <julianfoad_at_apache.org>
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2020 13:06:33 +0000 (UTC)

Hello Mikael. I'm replying on dev@ as this may be relevant to others and you've indicated you've discussed this in public already.

I'm expecting to complete the bug fix for SVN-4859 next week and nominate it for back-port to 1.14.x and 1.10.x. (I'm away this week. The fix is committed to trunk already. I just need to improve the test case, as noted in the issue tracker.)

After that, a new release of 1.10.x and 1.14.x could possibly be made within a few weeks. However, this year there are very few volunteer developers (and approximately none paid) working on Subversion. It could take a long time for them to make a new release. It might be worth you volunteering to help with the release process if you possibly can.

This bug is entirely client side, as all the merge processing is client side. Using an svn 1.8 server should be fine.

From the description you gave of your issue, this does look likely to be the bug you have encountered, although without a reproduction recipe for your issue I cannot be absolutely sure.

- Julian

7 Jul 2020 13:39:49 Mikael Stålhammar <mikael_stalhammar_at_hotmail.com>:
> Hi My name is Mikael Stålhammar and I'm a java developer. I saw that you were the one fixing an issue that might be the solution to a SVN problem I'm experiencing: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SVN-4859
> I'm just wondering if you know when it is expected to be released, and if the fix affects the client or server or both?
> Thanks! Regards, Mikael
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> PS I just asked about the issue in the SVN users mailing list and got a reply that your fix might be the answer to my issue. If you have time I would very much appreciate if you just could verify if my issue below could indeed be related and might be solved by your fix? Thanks!
> The mail I sent:
> I'm having an issue with merging/releasing a feature branch to trunk, getting: --- Recording mergeinfo for merge between repository URLs into '.': svn: E155023: Can't set properties on 'E:\SVN\WorkingCopies\repo\trunk\folder\file.txt': invalid status for updating properties. The background is this: -The "file.txt" was created on trunk a while back and has been merged into the feature branches. -We are working on trunk and feature branches using sparse checkouts, having only the files we need in the working copies, committing files individually. Files changed on trunk are then merged in, file-by-file i.e. using subtree merging on file level, to a branch when needed. I.e. the merge info property is set on the merged files. The "file.txt" was recently deleted on a branch and the deletion has been committed. Now the work on that branch is ready and it's about to be merged back into trunk. The branch release process: 1. The branch is fully checked out in a working copy. Trunk is successfully merged into that
 working copy and committed. 2. Trunk is fully checked out in a working copy. The branch is merged into that working copy but then the error above occurs, saying it can't set properties on the deleted file. Why does SVN even try to set properties on a deleted file? In the log from the merge, before the error message mentioned above, everything looks fine, i.e. a bunch of lines for "Updated" files and one "Deleted" file (the "file.txt"). I searched among the bugs but the only one I could find somewhat releated was this quite recent one: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SVN-4859 But while the error message was related I don't think it's the issue I have. So I'm wondering what could be the issue, something we've done wrong or a bug? Is the problem in the SVN client or server? (I used Tortoise/SVN 1.14.0 as client when merging. I think it's SVN 1.8.5 on the server)
Received on 2020-07-07 15:06:32 CEST

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