On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 10:09 PM Daniel Shahaf <d.s_at_daniel.shahaf.name>
> Johan Corveleyn wrote on Wed, 22 Apr 2020 19:16 +00:00:
> > Running "gen-make.py --debug" with Python 3 fails with:
> >
> > [[[
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > File "gen-make.py", line 326, in <module>
> > main(conf, gentype, skip_depends=skip, other_options=rest.list)
> > File "gen-make.py", line 73, in main
> > sorted_targets = list(target_dict.keys()); sorted_targets.sort()
> > TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'ObjectFile' and
> 'ObjectFile'
> > ]]]
> Does this help? It seems it just prints that stuff to stdout?
> [[[
> Index: gen-make.py
> ===================================================================
> --- gen-make.py (revision 1876852)
> +++ gen-make.py (working copy)
> @@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ def main(fname, gentype, verfname=None,
> if ('--debug', '') in other_options:
> for dep_type, target_dict in generator.graph.deps.items():
> - sorted_targets = list(target_dict.keys()); sorted_targets.sort()
> + sorted_targets = list(target_dict.keys())
> + sorted_targets.sort(key = lambda dep: dep.filename)
> for target in sorted_targets:
> print(dep_type + ": " + _objinfo(target))
> for source in target_dict[target]:
> ]]]
Thanks, but now it fails earlier with this error (same with Yasuhito's
attempt, which is equivalent I guess):
python gen-make.py --debug
--with-swig=C:\research\swigwin-3.0.12 --with-py3c=C:\research\py3c
--with-jdk="C:\Program Files (x86)\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-"
--vsnet-version=2019 -t vcproj 2>&1 | tee log.gen-make
Generating for Visual Studio 2019
Found apr 1.6.5
Found apr-util 1.6.1
Found apr_memcache 1.6.1
Found expat 2.2.9
Found httpd 2.4.43
Found java-sdk 11.0.6
Found mod_dav 2.4.43
Found openssl 1.1.1f
Found perl 5.30.2
Found py3c 1.0
Found python 3.7.7
Found ruby 2.7.0
Found serf 1.3.9
Found sqlite 3.31.1
Found swig 3.0.12
Found zlib 1.2.11
Using bundled lz4 1.7.5
Using bundled utf8proc 2.1.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gen-make.py", line 327, in <module>
main(conf, gentype, skip_depends=skip, other_options=rest.list)
File "gen-make.py", line 74, in main
sorted_targets.sort(key = lambda dep: dep.filename)
File "gen-make.py", line 74, in <lambda>
sorted_targets.sort(key = lambda dep: dep.filename)
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'filename'
Before this patch I first got a bunch of output before failing:
python gen-make.py --debug
--with-swig=C:\research\swigwin-3.0.12 --with-py3c=C:\research\py3c
--with-jdk="C:\Program Files (x86)\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-"
--vsnet-version=2019 -t vcproj 2>&1 | tee log.gen-make
Generating for Visual Studio 2019
Found apr 1.6.5
Found apr-util 1.6.1
Found apr_memcache 1.6.1
Found expat 2.2.9
Found httpd 2.4.43
Found java-sdk 11.0.6
Found mod_dav 2.4.43
Found openssl 1.1.1f
Found perl 5.30.2
Found py3c 1.0
Found python 3.7.7
Found ruby 2.7.0
Found serf 1.3.9
Found sqlite 3.31.1
Found swig 3.0.12
Found zlib 1.2.11
Using bundled lz4 1.7.5
Using bundled utf8proc 2.1.0
DT_INSTALL: 'apache-mod'
TargetApacheMod: mod_authz_svn subversion/mod_authz_svn/mod_authz_svn.dll
TargetApacheMod: mod_dav_svn subversion/mod_dav_svn/mod_dav_svn.dll
DT_INSTALL: 'bdb-lib'
TargetFsModule: libsvn_fs_base
DT_INSTALL: 'bdb-test'
TargetExe: changes-test subversion/tests/libsvn_fs_base/changes-test.exe
TargetExe: fs-base-test subversion/tests/libsvn_fs_base/fs-base-test.exe
TargetExe: strings-reps-test
TargetExe: svn subversion/svn/svn.exe
TargetExe: svnadmin subversion/svnadmin/svnadmin.exe
TargetExe: svnraisetreeconflict
TargetExe: x509-parser tools/dev/x509-parser.exe
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gen-make.py", line 326, in <module>
main(conf, gentype, skip_depends=skip, other_options=rest.list)
File "gen-make.py", line 73, in main
sorted_targets = list(target_dict.keys()); sorted_targets.sort()
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'ObjectFile' and
Received on 2020-04-22 23:09:03 CEST