Re: Better choice for Linux semaphore than spinlock?
From: Krotil, Radek <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2020 11:01:40 +0000
Hi All.
Siemens Digital Industries Software
On 2019/10/12 23:29:44, eponymous alias <> wrote:
> > before the "system time" consumes all available CPU for an 8-core machine. Adding more cores won't help because of>
> > the nature of spin locks (it makes things worse). Turns out that even with ~100 parallel SVN operations the "system>
> > time" starts becoming significant/measurable (~10%). Both HTTP (mod_dav_svn) and "svnserve" protocols participate>
> > in the lock contention.>
> > information to even attempt a diagnosis. For starters, I recommend gathering as much info as possible (anonymised of>
> > course) about the server configuration, everything from httpd an svnserve to the repository config and underlying>
> > filesystem, if possible. Getting stack traces of the "stuck" threads would be necessary, too. Without knowing exactly>
> > what is happening, these kinds of problems are extremely hard to understand, let alone fix.>
> this use case can possibly be chosen via configuration changes (e.g. httpd allows this for most of its locking).>
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