On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 12:08 PM Branko Čibej <brane_at_apache.org> wrote:
> On 18.09.2019 09:20, Johan Corveleyn wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 5:36 AM Branko Čibej <brane_at_apache.org> wrote:
> >> On 18.09.2019 02:48, Johan Corveleyn wrote:
> >>> On Mon, Sep 2, 2019 at 11:45 AM Julian Foad <julianfoad_at_apache.org> wrote:
> >>>>> Troy Curtis Jr wrote:
> >>>>>> James McCoy wrote:
> >>>>>>> Finishing(?) and merging the Python3 support would be ideal. That would
> >>>>>>> give one release for broader feedback before being in an LTS release.
> >>>>>> It needs to get reintegrated with trunk again with the latest changes, but the linux side of the house was looking good. It was in trying to get my Windows Dev environment back up and running again that got me frustrated and gave me an excuse to wander off doing other things... IIRC, there is a build issue with the Py2 bindings in that branch on Windows, but I never got far enough to check it out.
> >>>>>> If there was someone who could help out on the Windows side, I can jump in and get the branch up to trunk and retested in order to get this thing over the finish line.
> >>>> Johan Corveleyn wrote:
> >>>>> I might be able to devote some time to this in the coming week(s), if
> >>>>> you can tell me what I need to do / test / validate / ... :-).
> >>>> Until Troy says something more specific, if you could switch to the
> >>>> branch, catch-up merge from trunk, and see how much works on Py3 and on
> >>>> Py2, that would be helpful.
> >>> I'm sorry I missed the 1.13.x-branch deadline, but I finally got
> >>> around to playing with the swig-py3 branch on Windows.
> >>> Downloaded the latest Python release: 3.7.4. And using swig 3.0.12.
> >>>
> >>> Of course I didn't reread INSTALL, so I first ran into:
> >>>
> >>> [[[
> >>> WARNING: "C:\research\svn\dev\swig-py3\py3c\include\py3c.h" not found
> >>> Use "--with-py3c" to configure py3c location.
> >>> ]]]
> >>>
> >>> No problem, after downloading py3c from Github, and adding
> >>> --with-py3c, I can start building it.
> >>>
> >>> However, I ran into the following error:
> >>>
> >>> [[[
> >>> c:\python37\include\pytime.h(123): error C4115: 'timeval': named type
> >>> definition in parentheses
> >>> [C:\research\svn\dev\swig-py3\build\win32\vcnet-vcproj\libsvn_swig_py.vcxproj]
> >>> ]]]
> >> That makes no sense, my copy of pytime.h on Windows for Python 3.7.4 has
> >> this on line 123:
> >>
> >> PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromTimeval(_PyTime_t *tp, struct timeval *tv);
> >>
> >>
> >> Looks like perfectly valid C to me. So we'll need a bit more context to
> >> see where the actual error is coming from.
> > Not at my pc right now (I'll check again tonight), but from memory: I
> > think my copy of pytime.h looks the same. Line 123 seems to be the
> > first usage of 'timeval' though ... Is it possible that some include
> > is missing, so there is no declaration of the timeval struct type?
> You do *not* need a definition of 'struct foo' in order to use a 'struct
> foo*' pointer. So, no, that's not the problem.
Hmm, okay, just tried again ... same problem. Here is some more output:
C:\research\svn\dev\swig-py3> msbuild subversion_vcnet.sln /nologo
/v:q /p:Configuration=release /t:__SWIG_PYTHON__
c:\python37\include\pytime.h(123): error C4115: 'timeval': named type
definition in parentheses
warning C4459: declaration of 'swig_this' hides global declaration
warning C4459: declaration of 'swig_this' hides global declaration
warning C4101: 'tmp': unreferenced local variable
warning C4018: '>': signed/unsigned mismatch
I tried with both the x86-64 and the x86 builds of Python 3.7.4 ...
same result. Weird. I'm continuing to investigate.
In other news, building the swig-py3 branch (after sync-merge from
trunk) with Python 2.7.16 (and swig 3.0.12) was successful.
Running the testsuite gives some failures though:
Testing Release configuration on local repository.
-- Running Swig Python tests --
ERROR: test_conflict (client.SubversionClientTestCase)
Test conflict api.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\research\svn\dev\swig-py3\subversion\bindings\swig\python\tests\client.py",
line 593, in test_conflict
conflict = client.conflict_get(trunk_path, self.client_ctx, pool)
File "R:\test_release--swigpython\swig\pylib\libsvn\client.py", line
1642, in svn_client_conflict_get
return _client.svn_client_conflict_get(*args)
SubversionException: 155007 - 'R:\temp\tmpyeizeh-conflict\trunk' is
not a working copy
ERROR: test_conflict (client.SubversionClientTestCase)
Test conflict api.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\research\svn\dev\swig-py3\subversion\bindings\swig\python\tests\client.py",
line 94, in tearDown
File "C:\research\svn\dev\swig-py3\subversion\bindings\swig\python\tests\utils.py",
line 44, in cleanup
File "R:\test_release--swigpython\swig\pylib\libsvn\core.py", line
8453, in svn_io_remove_dir
return _core.svn_io_remove_dir(*args)
SubversionException: 720032 - Can't remove
720032 - Can't remove file 'R:\temp\tmpyeizeh-conflict\.svn\wc.db':
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another
FAIL: test_merge_peg3 (client.SubversionClientTestCase)
Test svn_client_merge_peg3.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\research\svn\dev\swig-py3\subversion\bindings\swig\python\tests\client.py",
line 442, in test_merge_peg3
self.assertEqual(readme_text, b'This is a test.\n')
AssertionError: 'This is a test.\r\n' != 'This is a test.\n'
FAIL: test_shelf (client.SubversionClientTestCase)
Test shelf api.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\research\svn\dev\swig-py3\subversion\bindings\swig\python\tests\client.py",
line 644, in test_shelf
self.assertIn(new_subpath, statused_paths)
AssertionError: 'trunk\\new-shelf-test.txt' not found in
['trunk/new-shelf-test.txt', 'trunk/new-shelf-test.txt', None]
Ran 153 tests in 38.984s
FAILED (failures=2, errors=2, skipped=1)
Exception svn.core.SubversionException: SubversionException("Can't
open file 'R:\\temp\\tmp9ubdal-client\\db\\fs-type':
The system cannot find the path specified. ", 720003) in <bound
method Temper.__del__ of <utils.Temper object at 0x02B8B4F0>> ignored
[Test runner reported failure]
(Running the swig-python tests on trunk, with Python 2.7.16, was fully
Received on 2019-09-19 01:21:50 CEST