[PATCH] Proof of concept of the better-pristines (LZ4 + storing small pristines as BLOBs) (Was: Re: svn commit: r1843076)
From: Evgeny Kotkov <evgeny.kotkov_at_visualsvn.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2018 23:14:43 +0300
Branko Čibej <brane_at_apache.org> writes:
> Still missing is a mechanism for the libsvn_wc (and possibly
FWIW, I tried the idea of using LZ4 to compress the pristines and storing small
In the attachment you will find a more or less functional implementation of
The patch applies to the `better-pristines` branch.
A couple of observations:
- As expected, the combined size of the pristines is halved when the data
- A variety of the callers currently access the pristine contents by reading
I think that ideally we would want to use streams as much as possible, and
The patch does that kind of plumbing to some extent, but that part of the
- Using BLOBs to store the pristine contents didn't have a measurable impact
- There's also the deprecated svn_wc_get_pristine_copy_path() public API that
(I probably won't be able to continue the work on this patch in the nearby
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