On 29.06.2018 13:32, Julian Foad wrote:
> Can others approve or comment on this reduced plan please, especially those who +1'd the previous statement ( http://svn.apache.org/r1834111 ) which I now think was too onerous?
> Stefan Sperling wrote:
>> I would prefer having just the minimum requirements we are going
>> to fullfill written down. What you wrote above makes sense to me.
>> I don't see a problem with making decisions to over-deliver on
>> these written promises on a case-by-case basis as we see fit.
> Suggested wording:
> [[[
> Subversions delivers two kinds of stable releases:
> * Long Term Support (LTS):
> - release every 2 years; 4 years support; emphasis on stability
> * standard:
> - release every 6 months; 6 months support; emphasis on features
> Support means we will fix critical issues (security/corruption). We may also sometimes fix other issues as appropriate to the emphasis of each release.
> ]]]
> I also invite suggestions for a better name than "standard" for the 6-month releases. ("Quick", "unstable", "enthusiast", ...)
Well as far as I understand, these would be "stable" releases. Basically
we'd release 1.11 instead of 1.10.3, right? Which would give us the
chance to include new APIs and such. Ubuntu calls them "regular"
releases, FWIW.
-- Brane
Received on 2018-06-29 15:39:22 CEST