Julian Foad wrote on Tue, 11 Jul 2017 21:53 +0100:
> Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> > Julian Foad wrote:
> >> Checkpointing
> >>
> >> Options:
> >>
> >> 1. further patch management built on a series of shelved changes
> >> 2. local commits tightly integrated
> >> 3. checkpoints are commits in a local repository
> >
> > Can you explain these three options in more words? AIUI #1 is
> > "syntactic sugar to manage a patch series", like quilt(1), but I'm not
> > sure I understand #2 and #3.
> 2. What I was thinking there is to rewrite as much of our libs as needed
> to implement deeply integrated local branching in Svn client. The full
> extent of what that might entail or look like is unknown.
I don't understand the distinction apparent here between 'checkpointing'
and 'local branching'.
> 3. To store a series of checkpoints, create a temporary repos inside
> .svn/ and "relocate" the WC base to it. Then use it for all operations
> until the user comes to the point they want to commit to the real repo.
I think when wc-ng was invented, the thinking was that a 'checkpoint'
would simply be another tree, alongside BASE and WORKING. None
> >>
> >> git stashing <https://git-scm.com/book/en/v1/Git-Tools-Stashing>
> >
> > For git, 'stashing' can also be implemented by a temporary branch («git
> > checkout -b foo && git commit -amm && git checkout master»), which
> > changes some of the values of the table. I assume the same is true for hg.
> Yes, I should note that mode of working as well. Thanks.
> - Julian
Received on 2017-07-12 00:02:51 CEST