Interesting - the first restart of that sequence failed again for the same
reason. I didn't try it a third time, I just rebooted the box (instead of
apachectl restart), so I don't know if that was a *persistent* state for
the implicit Svn server or not.
On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 9:36 AM, Paul Hammant <> wrote:
> Same system as before - 4GB RAM Intel Atom Linux box
> <>,
> with attached 4TB USB3 driver (yes in a USB3 port) where the svn repo's
> root is.
> AutoIncrement is turned on (or whatever it's called), and I'm using curl
> to PUT a resource. Like so:
> #!/bin/bash
> while :
> do
> time dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=15000 2>/dev/null | openssl enc -rc4-40 -pass pass:weak > /path/to/abc
> time curl -u paul:myPassword --upload-file /path/to/abc
> du -s -h --block-size=1G /media/thatLittle4TBdrive/svnParent/
> done
> Fifth iteration of that loop barfed in about 1/4 of the time the transfer
> would have taken :(
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <D:error xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:m=""
> xmlns:C="svn:">
> <C:error/>
> <m:human-readable errcode="200029">
> Couldn't perform atomic initialization
> </m:human-readable>
> </D:error>
> What does that mean? Programatically, should I just try the PUT again ?
> *For those interested in stats: 6.5 mins to create each 14GB random file,
> and 15 mins to PUT it into Svn (with it's 6 syncs on the server side). And
> I've filled a 4TB drive up to 1.3TB so far.*
> - Paul
Received on 2017-07-08 16:12:52 CEST