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wish for new API or extended one

From: Stefan Kueng <tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2017 09:23:06 +0100


while trying out the new conflict resolver APIs I came upon a slight
problem. The API svn_client_conflict_option_get_description() returns a
string that can be used to show to the user as a choice - in TSVN that
would be the text on a two-line button (the 'label' is the first line,
the 'description' the second line).

The problem I'm having now is that the description is always the same,
even if there are multiple 'moved-to-candidates' available. And if we
use another than the first moved-to-candidate, the description mentions
the wrong path.

Would it be possible to extend the API
svn_client_conflict_option_get_description() so that it takes another
parameter that's the index of the moved-to-candidate? Something like this:

         svn_client_conflict_option_t *option,
         int moved_to_candidate_index,
         apr_pool_t *result_pool);
with the moved_to_candidate_index set to -1 if not used.

Right now I'm working around this by parsing the description string for
the second path and replacing it with the moved_to_candidate path that
is used. But that's an ugly hack, and I'm not sure it will survive all
translations of that string.


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Received on 2017-02-04 09:23:03 CET

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