Index: subversion/libsvn_subr/x509parse.c =================================================================== --- subversion/libsvn_subr/x509parse.c (revision 1655502) +++ subversion/libsvn_subr/x509parse.c (working copy) @@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ x509parse_get_hostnames(svn_x509_certinfo_t *ci, x { ci->hostnames = NULL; - if (crt->dnsnames && crt->dnsnames->nelts > 0) + if (crt->dnsnames->nelts > 0) { int i; @@ -1155,18 +1155,19 @@ svn_x509_parse_cert(svn_x509_certinfo_t **certinfo * extensions [3] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL * -- If present, version shall be v3 */ - if (crt->version == 2 || crt->version == 3) - SVN_ERR(x509_get_uid(&p, end, &crt->issuer_id, 1)); + crt->dnsnames = apr_array_make(scratch_pool, 3, sizeof(x509_buf *)); - if (crt->version == 2 || crt->version == 3) - SVN_ERR(x509_get_uid(&p, end, &crt->subject_id, 2)); + /* Try to parse issuerUniqueID, subjectUniqueID and extensions for *every* + * version (X.509 v1, v2 and v3), not just v2 or v3. If they aren't present, + * we are fine, but we don't want to throw an error if they are. v1 and v2 + * certificates with the corresponding extra fields are ill-formed per RFC + * 5280 s. 4.1, but we suspect they could exist in the real world. Other + * X.509 parsers (e.g., within OpenSSL or Microsoft CryptoAPI) aren't picky + * about these certificates, and we also allow them. */ + SVN_ERR(x509_get_uid(&p, end, &crt->issuer_id, 1)); + SVN_ERR(x509_get_uid(&p, end, &crt->subject_id, 2)); + SVN_ERR(x509_get_ext(crt->dnsnames, &p, end)); - if (crt->version == 3) - { - crt->dnsnames = apr_array_make(scratch_pool, 3, sizeof(x509_buf *)); - SVN_ERR(x509_get_ext(crt->dnsnames, &p, end)); - } - if (p != end) { err = svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_ASN1_LENGTH_MISMATCH, NULL, NULL); Index: subversion/tests/libsvn_subr/x509-test.c =================================================================== --- subversion/tests/libsvn_subr/x509-test.c (revision 1655502) +++ subversion/tests/libsvn_subr/x509-test.c (working copy) @@ -437,6 +437,39 @@ static struct x509_test cert_tests[] = { "", "5730dd65a7f77fdf0dfd90e5a53119f38854af29" }, + /* X.509 v1 certificate with an X.509 v3 Subject Alternative Name + * extension. Although these are ill-formed per RFC 5280 s. 4.1, we + * suspect that they could exist in the real world. Make sure we do + * not error out, and that we pick up SAN ( from the + * extension. */ + { "MIIDLzCCAhcCAQ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwKzEpMCcGA1UEAwwgSW50ZXJuZXQg" + "V2lkZ2l0cyBJbnRlcm1lZGlhdGUgQ0EwHhcNMTUwMTI5MDAzMzU1WhcNMTYwMTI5" + "MDAzMzU1WjByMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECAwKV2FzaGluZ3RvbjETMBEG" + "A1UEBwwKTm9ydGggQmVuZDEhMB8GA1UECgwYSW50ZXJuZXQgV2lkZ2l0cyBQdHkg" + "THRkMRYwFAYDVQQDDA1hLmV4YW1wbGUuY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOC" + "AQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAs0hj2xPRQZpecqk0Ih1l4juAuQZeSgv3yD/VtSq/9sTBH6iA" + "4XjJQcHROYxYaK0QS/qlCjpl+Q3mOaVIu+59TLy3T2YVgqMYmgB453ntuJPkdF1C" + "fJ2j19YAQZHHdOFaP1G+auBwjmHns3+MkG4s7EPuJP7TBCcSFlOmz5D4GUui3NVG" + "LBYUog1ZhF4oe/7d4jc2Cn8uypNT/Hc1ViIlCT4rFoAirv9Uob+4zjQ3Z18I1Ql1" + "t8oszVCj3kKDboEty2RduwPLx/2ztWYBCvFhd49JGdi/nzMi+j2d5HCI3V8W06pN" + "mvrVU4G0ImVRa8wpmQCSm2Tp0s42FAVHWw8yMwIDAQABoxwwGjAYBgNVHREEETAP" + "gg1iLmV4YW1wbGUuY29tMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4IBAQDI/n0NYakuRP/485/A" + "dan71qBy3sljjOreq71IfBdtq+GEjCL1B0TD0V338LXki9NicCLeD/MWfceDjV0u" + "AjPTxaZEn/NWqXo0mpNC535Y6G46mIHYDGC8JyvCJjaXF+GVstNt6lXzZp2Yn3Si" + "K57uVb+zz5zAGSO982I2HACZPnF/oAtp7bwxzwvBsLqSLw3hh0ATVPp6ktE+WMoI" + "X75CVcDmU0zjXqzKiFPKeTVjQG6YxgvplMaag/iNngkgEhX4PIrxdIEsHf8l9ogC" + "dz51MFxetsC4D2KRq8IblF9i+9r3hlv+Dbf9ovYe9Hu0usloSinImoWOw42iWWmP" + "vT4l", + "C=US, ST=Washington, L=North Bend, O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd, " + "", + "", + "CN=Internet Widgits Intermediate CA", + "", + "2015-01-29T00:33:55.000000Z", + "2016-01-29T00:33:55.000000Z", + "", + "47fa5c76fee6e21e37def6da3746bba84a5a09bf" + }, { NULL } };