Peter Suter <> writes:
> (I asked about this on IRC today and was asked to send a repro to this
> list.)
> Since updating to TortoiseSVN 1.8 my locks get broken when I update a
> repository. (Downgrading to TortoiseSVN 1.7.13 fixes it. Upgrading back
> to 1.8.0 or 1.8.5 (the latest, based on Subversion 1.8.8) makes the
> problem reappear. With the SlikSvn command line client 1.8.5-x64 I also
> get the same problem.)
> I can reproduce it with a new empty repo on that server (VisualSVN 2.1.7
> 32bit, based on Subversion 1.6.16):
> C:\Repos> svnadmin create testrepo
> C:\Repos>
> And then on the client (using SlikSvn command line client 1.8.5-x64
> here, but the same happens with TortoiseSVN):
> C:\> svn co https://.../testrepo testrepo
> Checked out revision 0.
> C:\> cd testrepo
> C:\testrepo> echo foo > foo
> C:\testrepo> svn add foo
> A foo
> C:\testrepo> svn ci -mm
> Adding foo
> Transmitting file data .
> Committed revision 1.
> C:\testrepo> svn lock foo
> 'foo' locked by user 'peter'.
> C:\testrepo> svn update
> Updating '.':
> B foo
> updated to revision 1.
> C:\testrepo>
> I could not reproduce the problem with a local file:/// repo created
> with TortoiseSVN on the client.
I think that is issue 4412:
Philip Martin | Subversion Committer
WANdisco // *Non-Stop Data*
Received on 2014-03-25 15:15:35 CET