On 11/6/13 5:15 PM, Blair Zajac wrote:
> Using a MacPorts build of svn 1.8.4 on a 10.7.5 MacBook Air:
> $ uname -a
> Darwin foo.example.com 11.4.2 Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48
> PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 i386 MacBookAir4,2 Darwin
> $ cd /net/yum/blair
> $ mkdir tmp
> $ svn checkout -N http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk
> svn: E000005: Can't check path '/net/.svn': Input/output error
> This looks related to NFS, as the MacBook Air will mount our NFS volumes:
> $ cat /etc/auto_master
> #
> # Automounter master map
> #
> /net /etc/auto.spi
> /hosts /etc/auto.net
> /etc/auto.spi is a long shell script that does an LDAP lookup on the proper
> server to mount and mount options to use.
> It looks like /etc/auto.spi does an 'exit 1' when the LDAP lookup for '.svn'
> fails.
> $ /etc/auto.spi yum
> -intr,soft,nodev,vers=3,tcp,bg\
> foobar:/foo/vol0/yum
> $ echo $?
> 0
> $ /etc/auto.spi .svn
> $ echo $?
> 1
> Any ideas on how to best resolve this?
I think you should talk to whoever wrote auto.spi.
For what it's worth I use working copies on NFS as well (also on a MacBook Air
with 10.7.5), however I mount them with the automatic NFS mounts feature of the
Disk Utility application. I haven't had any issues doing this.
It's not clear if you think there is a Subversion specific issue here but I
don't see what it is if you do.
Received on 2013-11-07 02:55:18 CET