On 10/23/13 12:27 PM, Branko Čibej wrote:
> This looks familiar:
> $ apr-1-config --cc
> /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/OSX10.8.xctoolchain/usr/bin/cc
> This is the bit from the (generated) makefile:
> # ctypes-python make targets
> ctypes-python: local-all
> $(SHELL) $(abs_srcdir)/build/run_ctypesgen.sh "$(LT_EXECUTE)" "$(CPPFLAGS)" "$(EXTRA_CTYPES_LDFLAGS)" "$(PYTHON)" "$(CTYPESGEN)" "$(abs_srcdir)" "$(abs_builddir)" "$(libdir)" "$(SVN_APR_CONFIG)" "$(SVN_APRUTIL_CONFIG)"
> and run_ctypesgen.sh has:
> apr_config="$9"
> ...
> cpp="`$apr_config --cpp`"
> ...
> $LT_EXECUTE $PYTHON $CTYPESGEN --cpp "$cpp $CPPFLAGS $cppflags" $ldflags $includes -o $output --no-macro-warnings --strip-build-path=$abs_srcdir
> Certainly looks like that could be the culprit. Not sure why we do that; it
> should be OK to use the same preprocessor and compiler as Subversion, I expect.
Yeah that's definitely the problem. When Apple built APR they did the
following to set their C compiler: CC=`xcrun --find cc` which finds the C
compiler in the XCode install instead of using the command line tool mapping
that is now optional. The problem with doing that is that the compiler path is
entirely dependent on the specific version of XCode and of course you don't
have a compiler at the path they used.
Using apr-1-config to determine the compiler is just silly but I'm guessing
that's legacy from ctypes-python existing outside of our project before it was
moved in.
> If that were the case, the plain vanilla tests would fail in the same way, as I
> suspect would the Python and Perl tests. We may have missed a path for ruby,
> though.
Found the Ruby problem. Apparently the Ruby bindings have been complete enough
that a mismatched libsvn_swig_ruby library wasn't blowing up on me. When I
fixed it getting the other SVN libraries loading out of the build was enough to
fix things for me so I missed that I completely screwed up getting the swig-rb
libraries properly setup. Fixed in r1535161.
Received on 2013-10-23 22:50:04 CEST