On 05.09.2013 09:13, Greg Stein wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 10:43 AM, Apache subversion Wiki
> <commits_at_subversion.apache.org> wrote:
>> ...
>> Given these constraints, not all combinations of moves can be expressed using a “move source to destination” operation, with or without a “rotate” operation, without using temporary paths.
> I'm not buying that you need two operations. The "move uses initial
> state" tweak seems fully adequate and gets us the single-op/atomicity
> principle that Ev2 was designed under.
From the last couple months of design discussions, mostly driven by
Julian and Philip, I got the impression that this would work fine for a
client->server drive, but falls on its face in a server->client drive
where the client has a mixed-revision working copy.
I believe that in the client->server scenario, in most cases, the
temporary locations required by the initial-state model could be
auto-generated by the receiver. For the server->client-mixed-revision
scenario, I now believe this is not the case. I'd love to be convinced
otherwise, but I'm afraid that a single paragraph stating an opinion
falls short of that.
-- Brane
Branko Čibej | Director of Subversion
WANdisco // Non-Stop Data
e. brane_at_wandisco.com
Received on 2013-09-05 13:52:34 CEST