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[svnbench] Revision: 1467840 compiled Apr 15 2013, 00:21:40 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

From: <neels_at_apache.org>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2013 00:36:40 +0000

1.7.0_at_1181106 vs. trunk_at_1467807
Started at Mon Apr 15 00:24:51 UTC 2013

*DISCLAIMER* - This tests only file://-URL access on a GNU/Linux VM.
This is intended to measure changes in performance of the local working
copy layer, *only*. These results are *not* generally true for everyone.

Charts of this data are available at http://svn-qavm.apache.org/charts/

Averaged-total results across all runs:

Compare trunk_at_1467807 to 1.7.0
       N avg operation
      6/9 0.66|-25.939 TOTAL RUN
  372/530 1.06| +0.001 add
    12/18 0.83| -0.153 checkout
    48/72 0.77| -0.472 commit
      6/9 1.04| +0.001 copy
      6/9 0.77| -0.072 delete
    30/45 0.23| -3.305 info
    12/18 0.51| -1.171 merge
  312/516 1.07| +0.001 mkdir
    16/21 1.21| +0.002 propdel
    4K/6K 0.93| -0.001 proplist
    4K/6K 0.92| -0.001 propset
  370/591 1.03| +0.000 ps
    12/18 2.44| +0.017 resolve
    12/18 1.08| +0.016 resolved
   84/126 0.88| -0.023 status
      6/9 0.79| -0.231 switch
   84/126 0.84| -0.112 update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk_at_1467807' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

Above totals split into separate <dir-levels>x<dir-spread> runs:

Compare trunk_at_1467807,5x5 to 1.7.0,5x5
       N avg operation
      2/3 0.63|-73.385 TOTAL RUN
  314/456 0.99| -0.000 add
      4/6 0.83| -0.387 checkout
    16/24 0.77| -1.156 commit
      2/3 1.12| +0.002 copy
      2/3 0.74| -0.177 delete
    10/15 0.21| -9.794 info
      4/6 0.49| -3.218 merge
  284/470 1.01| +0.000 mkdir
    16/20 1.15| +0.001 propdel
    4K/6K 0.93| -0.001 proplist
    4K/6K 0.92| -0.001 propset
  352/552 1.02| +0.000 ps
      4/6 5.03| +0.034 resolve
      4/6 0.99| -0.003 resolved
    28/42 0.83| -0.070 status
      2/3 0.78| -0.589 switch
    28/42 0.86| -0.236 update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk_at_1467807,5x5' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,5x5' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

Compare trunk_at_1467807,100x1 to 1.7.0,100x1
       N avg operation
      2/3 0.86| -3.046 TOTAL RUN
    56/71 1.51| +0.011 add
      4/6 0.85| -0.042 checkout
    16/24 0.74| -0.190 commit
      2/3 1.01| +0.000 copy
      2/3 0.84| -0.033 delete
    10/15 0.70| -0.120 info
      4/6 0.73| -0.174 merge
    28/46 1.42| +0.008 mkdir
  218/337 1.07| +0.001 proplist
  176/273 0.99| -0.000 propset
    14/33 1.13| +0.002 ps
      4/6 2.34| +0.014 resolve
      4/6 1.58| +0.053 resolved
    28/42 1.07| +0.007 status
      2/3 0.86| -0.069 switch
    28/42 0.78| -0.091 update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk_at_1467807,100x1' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,100x1' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

Compare trunk_at_1467807,1x100 to 1.7.0,1x100
       N avg operation
      2/3 0.81| -1.386 TOTAL RUN
      2/3 0.88| -0.010 add
      4/6 0.81| -0.028 checkout
    16/24 0.73| -0.069 commit
      2/3 1.04| +0.001 copy
      2/3 0.90| -0.005 delete
    10/15 0.98| -0.002 info
      4/6 0.58| -0.120 merge
   74/111 0.80| -0.003 proplist
   84/126 0.83| -0.003 propset
      4/6 0.82| -0.004 ps
      4/6 1.21| +0.004 resolve
      4/6 0.93| -0.002 resolved
    28/42 0.82| -0.006 status
      2/3 0.76| -0.035 switch
    28/42 0.89| -0.009 update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk_at_1467807,1x100' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,1x100' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

More detail:

Timings for 1.7.0,5x5
   N min max avg operation (unit is seconds)
   2 200.43 201.50 200.97 TOTAL RUN
 314 0.01 1.55 0.02 add
   4 0.02 4.47 2.22 checkout
  16 1.09 10.02 5.04 commit
   2 0.01 0.01 0.01 copy
   2 0.69 0.69 0.69 delete
  10 6.32 31.50 12.38 info
   4 5.37 8.49 6.28 merge
 284 0.01 0.04 0.01 mkdir
  16 0.01 0.02 0.01 propdel
  4K 0.01 0.03 0.01 proplist
  4K 0.01 0.06 0.01 propset
 352 0.01 0.03 0.01 ps
   4 0.01 0.01 0.01 resolve
   4 0.40 0.59 0.49 resolved
  28 0.17 0.76 0.42 status
   2 2.71 2.76 2.73 switch
  28 0.21 4.77 1.64 update

Timings for trunk_at_1467807,5x5
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
   3  108.25  145.29  127.58  TOTAL RUN
 456    0.01    1.65    0.02  add
   6    0.02    3.90    1.83  checkout
  24    0.57   11.14    3.89  commit
   3    0.02    0.02    0.02  copy
   3    0.51    0.52    0.52  delete
  15    0.60    4.78    2.58  info
   6    2.27    4.00    3.06  merge
 470    0.01    0.02    0.01  mkdir
  20    0.01    0.02    0.01  propdel
  6K    0.01    0.02    0.01  proplist
  6K    0.01    0.03    0.01  propset
 552    0.01    0.02    0.01  ps
   6    0.02    0.06    0.04  resolve
   6    0.29    0.81    0.49  resolved
  42    0.11    1.04    0.35  status
   3    2.04    2.35    2.14  switch
  42    0.20    3.79    1.41  update
Compare trunk_at_1467807,5x5 to 1.7.0,5x5
       N        min              max              avg         operation
      2/3    0.54|-92.181     0.72|-56.215     0.63|-73.385   TOTAL RUN
  314/456    0.89| -0.001     1.06| +0.094     0.99| -0.000   add
      4/6    0.90| -0.002     0.87| -0.568     0.83| -0.387   checkout
    16/24    0.52| -0.520     1.11| +1.123     0.77| -1.156   commit
      2/3    1.09| +0.001     1.20| +0.003     1.12| +0.002   copy
      2/3    0.74| -0.183     0.75| -0.173     0.74| -0.177   delete
    10/15    0.09| -5.726     0.15|-26.718     0.21| -9.794   info
      4/6    0.42| -3.104     0.47| -4.496     0.49| -3.218   merge
  284/470    0.89| -0.001     0.51| -0.020     1.01| +0.000   mkdir
    16/20    0.85| -0.001     0.84| -0.003     1.15| +0.001   propdel
    4K/6K    0.80| -0.001     0.88| -0.003     0.93| -0.001   proplist
    4K/6K    0.83| -0.001     0.46| -0.035     0.92| -0.001   propset
  352/552    0.83| -0.001     0.60| -0.012     1.02| +0.000   ps
      4/6    2.95| +0.016     6.77| +0.049     5.03| +0.034   resolve
      4/6    0.73| -0.109     1.36| +0.214     0.99| -0.003   resolved
    28/42    0.67| -0.057     1.36| +0.277     0.83| -0.070   status
      2/3    0.75| -0.668     0.85| -0.412     0.78| -0.589   switch
    28/42    0.92| -0.018     0.80| -0.978     0.86| -0.236   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk_at_1467807,5x5' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,5x5' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)
Timings for 1.7.0,100x1
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
   2   22.31   22.33   22.32  TOTAL RUN
  56    0.01    0.13    0.02  add
   4    0.02    0.62    0.29  checkout
  16    0.25    1.41    0.74  commit
   2    0.03    0.03    0.03  copy
   2    0.19    0.22    0.21  delete
  10    0.21    0.80    0.41  info
   4    0.46    0.88    0.65  merge
  28    0.01    0.03    0.02  mkdir
 218    0.01    0.03    0.01  proplist
 176    0.01    0.03    0.02  propset
  14    0.01    0.03    0.02  ps
   4    0.01    0.02    0.01  resolve
   4    0.07    0.11    0.09  resolved
  28    0.04    0.20    0.10  status
   2    0.34    0.65    0.50  switch
  28    0.05    0.86    0.42  update
Timings for trunk_at_1467807,100x1
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
   3   18.67   19.86   19.28  TOTAL RUN
  71    0.01    0.23    0.03  add
   6    0.03    0.49    0.24  checkout
  24    0.11    1.06    0.55  commit
   3    0.03    0.03    0.03  copy
   3    0.17    0.18    0.17  delete
  15    0.17    0.44    0.28  info
   6    0.43    0.55    0.48  merge
  46    0.01    0.04    0.03  mkdir
   1    0.02    0.02    0.02  propdel
 337    0.01    0.02    0.02  proplist
 273    0.01    0.02    0.02  propset
  33    0.01    0.02    0.02  ps
   6    0.02    0.03    0.02  resolve
   6    0.14    0.15    0.15  resolved
  42    0.03    0.16    0.11  status
   3    0.42    0.43    0.43  switch
  42    0.04    0.64    0.33  update
Compare trunk_at_1467807,100x1 to 1.7.0,100x1
       N        min              max              avg         operation
      2/3    0.84| -3.645     0.89| -2.477     0.86| -3.046   TOTAL RUN
    56/71    1.09| +0.001     1.78| +0.100     1.51| +0.011   add
      4/6    2.00| +0.017     0.79| -0.132     0.85| -0.042   checkout
    16/24    0.45| -0.138     0.75| -0.353     0.74| -0.190   commit
      2/3    1.07| +0.002     0.96| -0.001     1.01| +0.000   copy
      2/3    0.88| -0.024     0.81| -0.042     0.84| -0.033   delete
    10/15    0.79| -0.045     0.55| -0.361     0.70| -0.120   info
      4/6    0.94| -0.027     0.62| -0.332     0.73| -0.174   merge
    28/46    1.00| -0.000     1.26| +0.009     1.42| +0.008   mkdir
  218/337    0.79| -0.002     0.78| -0.006     1.07| +0.001   proplist
  176/273    0.82| -0.002     0.81| -0.006     0.99| -0.000   propset
    14/33    0.77| -0.002     0.79| -0.006     1.13| +0.002   ps
      4/6    2.82| +0.014     1.48| +0.009     2.34| +0.014   resolve
      4/6    1.87| +0.065     1.36| +0.040     1.58| +0.053   resolved
    28/42    0.70| -0.012     0.79| -0.041     1.07| +0.007   status
      2/3    1.23| +0.079     0.67| -0.218     0.86| -0.069   switch
    28/42    0.71| -0.016     0.75| -0.214     0.78| -0.091   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk_at_1467807,100x1' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,100x1' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)
Timings for 1.7.0,1x100
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
   2    7.11    7.20    7.15  TOTAL RUN
   2    0.09    0.09    0.09  add
   4    0.04    0.27    0.15  checkout
  16    0.07    0.56    0.26  commit
   2    0.03    0.03    0.03  copy
   2    0.05    0.05    0.05  delete
  10    0.09    0.18    0.11  info
   4    0.28    0.30    0.29  merge
  74    0.02    0.02    0.02  proplist
  84    0.02    0.02    0.02  propset
   4    0.02    0.02    0.02  ps
   4    0.02    0.02    0.02  resolve
   4    0.03    0.04    0.03  resolved
  28    0.02    0.05    0.03  status
   2    0.14    0.15    0.14  switch
  28    0.03    0.25    0.09  update
Timings for trunk_at_1467807,1x100
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
   3    5.74    5.78    5.77  TOTAL RUN
   3    0.08    0.08    0.08  add
   6    0.03    0.22    0.12  checkout
  24    0.05    0.44    0.19  commit
   3    0.03    0.03    0.03  copy
   3    0.04    0.04    0.04  delete
  15    0.10    0.18    0.11  info
   6    0.13    0.20    0.17  merge
 111    0.01    0.02    0.01  proplist
 126    0.02    0.02    0.02  propset
   6    0.02    0.02    0.02  ps
   6    0.02    0.02    0.02  resolve
   6    0.02    0.04    0.03  resolved
  42    0.02    0.04    0.03  status
   3    0.11    0.11    0.11  switch
  42    0.03    0.21    0.08  update
Compare trunk_at_1467807,1x100 to 1.7.0,1x100
       N        min              max              avg         operation
      2/3    0.81| -1.361     0.80| -1.420     0.81| -1.386   TOTAL RUN
      2/3    0.90| -0.009     0.86| -0.012     0.88| -0.010   add
      4/6    0.88| -0.005     0.80| -0.053     0.81| -0.028   checkout
    16/24    0.69| -0.021     0.80| -0.111     0.73| -0.069   commit
      2/3    1.00| +0.000     1.11| +0.003     1.04| +0.001   copy
      2/3    0.91| -0.004     0.89| -0.005     0.90| -0.005   delete
    10/15    1.11| +0.010     0.97| -0.005     0.98| -0.002   info
      4/6    0.48| -0.143     0.67| -0.098     0.58| -0.120   merge
   74/111    0.81| -0.003     0.95| -0.001     0.80| -0.003   proplist
   84/126    0.93| -0.001     0.86| -0.003     0.83| -0.003   propset
      4/6    0.83| -0.003     0.81| -0.004     0.82| -0.004   ps
      4/6    1.19| +0.003     1.27| +0.005     1.21| +0.004   resolve
      4/6    0.76| -0.008     1.06| +0.002     0.93| -0.002   resolved
    28/42    0.92| -0.001     0.81| -0.009     0.82| -0.006   status
      2/3    0.77| -0.032     0.75| -0.037     0.76| -0.035   switch
    28/42    1.00| -0.000     0.82| -0.046     0.89| -0.009   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk_at_1467807,1x100' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,1x100' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)
Timings for 1.7.0
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
   6    7.11  201.50   76.81  TOTAL RUN
 372    0.01    1.55    0.02  add
  12    0.02    4.47    0.89  checkout
  48    0.07   10.02    2.01  commit
   6    0.01    0.03    0.03  copy
   6    0.05    0.69    0.31  delete
  30    0.09   31.50    4.30  info
  12    0.28    8.49    2.41  merge
 312    0.01    0.04    0.01  mkdir
  16    0.01    0.02    0.01  propdel
  4K    0.01    0.03    0.01  proplist
  4K    0.01    0.06    0.01  propset
 370    0.01    0.03    0.01  ps
  12    0.01    0.02    0.01  resolve
  12    0.03    0.59    0.21  resolved
  84    0.02    0.76    0.19  status
   6    0.14    2.76    1.12  switch
  84    0.03    4.77    0.72  update
Timings for trunk_at_1467807
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
   9    5.74  145.29   50.88  TOTAL RUN
 530    0.01    1.65    0.02  add
  18    0.02    3.90    0.73  checkout
  72    0.05   11.14    1.54  commit
   9    0.02    0.03    0.03  copy
   9    0.04    0.52    0.24  delete
  45    0.10    4.78    0.99  info
  18    0.13    4.00    1.24  merge
 516    0.01    0.04    0.01  mkdir
  21    0.01    0.02    0.01  propdel
  6K    0.01    0.02    0.01  proplist
  6K    0.01    0.03    0.01  propset
 591    0.01    0.02    0.01  ps
  18    0.02    0.06    0.03  resolve
  18    0.02    0.81    0.22  resolved
 126    0.02    1.04    0.16  status
   9    0.11    2.35    0.89  switch
 126    0.03    3.79    0.60  update
Compare trunk_at_1467807 to 1.7.0
       N        min              max              avg         operation
      6/9    0.81| -1.361     0.72|-56.215     0.66|-25.939   TOTAL RUN
  372/530    0.89| -0.001     1.06| +0.094     1.06| +0.001   add
    12/18    0.91| -0.002     0.87| -0.568     0.83| -0.153   checkout
    48/72    0.69| -0.021     1.11| +1.123     0.77| -0.472   commit
      6/9    1.09| +0.001     1.00| -0.000     1.04| +0.001   copy
      6/9    0.91| -0.004     0.75| -0.173     0.77| -0.072   delete
    30/45    1.11| +0.010     0.15|-26.718     0.23| -3.305   info
    12/18    0.48| -0.143     0.47| -4.496     0.51| -1.171   merge
  312/516    0.89| -0.001     1.03| +0.001     1.07| +0.001   mkdir
    16/21    0.85| -0.001     1.20| +0.004     1.21| +0.002   propdel
    4K/6K    0.80| -0.001     0.88| -0.003     0.93| -0.001   proplist
    4K/6K    0.83| -0.001     0.46| -0.035     0.92| -0.001   propset
  370/591    0.83| -0.001     0.79| -0.006     1.03| +0.000   ps
    12/18    2.49| +0.012     3.20| +0.040     2.44| +0.017   resolve
    12/18    0.76| -0.008     1.36| +0.214     1.08| +0.016   resolved
   84/126    0.92| -0.001     1.36| +0.277     0.88| -0.023   status
      6/9    0.77| -0.032     0.85| -0.412     0.79| -0.231   switch
   84/126    1.00| -0.000     0.80| -0.978     0.84| -0.112   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk_at_1467807' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)
Had started at Mon Apr 15 00:24:51 UTC 2013,
       done at Mon Apr 15 00:36:33 UTC 2013
wrote chart file: /home/neels/svnbench/charts/.busy/compare_1.7.0_trunk_at_last12.svg
wrote chart file: /home/neels/svnbench/charts/.busy/compare_1.7.0_trunk_at_last12,5x5.svg
wrote chart file: /home/neels/svnbench/charts/.busy/compare_1.7.0_trunk_at_last12,1x100.svg
wrote chart file: /home/neels/svnbench/charts/.busy/compare_1.7.0_trunk_at_last12,100x1.svg
Received on 2013-04-15 02:37:53 CEST

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