Gabriela Gibson <> writes:
> cd subversion/svnmucc && /bin/bash /home/g/trunk/libtool --tag=CC --silent --mode=link gcc -g3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-inline -Wall -Wmiss\
> ing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -pthread -DSVN_DEBUG -DAP_DEBUG -rpath /usr/local/lib -o svnmucc svnmucc.lo ../.\
> ./subversion/libsvn_client/ ../../subversion/libsvn_ra/ ../../subversion/libsvn_subr/ ../../subv\
> ersion/libsvn_delta/ -L/home/g/trunk/apr-util -laprutil-1 -L/home/g/trunk/apr -lapr-1
> ../../subversion/libsvn_client/.libs/ undefined reference to `svn_wc__get_wcroot'
> ../../subversion/libsvn_client/.libs/ undefined reference to `svn_wc_add_from_disk2'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [subversion/svnmucc/svnmucc] Error 1
From the rpath it looks like you are using the default --prefix of
/usr/local so the problem is probably that you have older Subversion
libraries installed in /usr/local/lib and the link is erroneously
picking up those libraries instead of the one in your build. If you
remove the Subversion libraries from /usr/local/lib the link will
probably work.
Having to remove the installed libraries is obviously inconvenient,
particularly as they may well be the libraries that you are using. The
way I work around this problem is that I do all my development using a
prefix that doesn't exist:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/subversionx ...
which solves the linking problem. I never install this build so
/usr/local/subversionx/lib never exists. When I want to install a build
of Subversion I reconfigure and rebuild using the correct prefix (and at
this stage I may need to remove the Subversion libraries in the prefix
to get it to link).
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Received on 2013-01-09 17:55:32 CET