Some thoughts on how part of the Ev2 documentation maybe should be. I'm not confident enough to commit this; I'm not sure it makes much more sense with this amendment that without it. Any comments?
Index: subversion/include/svn_editor.h
* In order to reduce complexity of callback receivers, the editor
* callbacks must be driven in adherence to these rules:
- *
- * - If any path is added (with add_*) or deleted/moved/rotated, then
- * an svn_editor_alter_directory() call must be made for its parent
- * directory with the target/eventual set of children.
- *
- *- * - svn_editor_add_directory() -- Another svn_editor_add_*() call
- * must follow for each child mentioned in the @a children argument
- * of any svn_editor_add_directory() call.
- *
- * - For each node created with add_*, if its parent was created using
- * svn_editor_add_directory(), then the new child node MUST have been
- * mentioned in the @a children parameter of the parent's creation.
- * This allows the parent directory to properly mark the child as
- * "incomplete" until the child's add_* call arrives.
+ *
+ * - If the set of names of children of any directory is being changed,
+ * then an svn_editor_alter_directory() call must be made with the
+ * target/eventual set of children.
+ *
+ * - If a @a children argument of an add_directory or alter_directory
+ * adds any child names that not were previously children of the
+ * directory, an add_* or copy-here or move-here must follow for
+ * each such child.
+ *
+ * - If a non-null @a children argument of an alter_directory omits
+ * any child names that were previously children of the directory,
+ * a delete or move-away must follow for each such child.
* - A path should never be referenced more than once by the
- * add_*, alter_*, and delete
+ * add_*, alter_*, delete and move-away
* operations (the "Once Rule"). The source path of a copy (and
* its children, if a directory) may be copied many times, and are
* otherwise subject to the Once Rule. The destination path of a
- * copy or move
+ * copy or move or rotate
* may have alter_* operations applied, but not
- * add_* or delete.
+ * add_* or delete or move-away.
* If the destination path of a copy, move, or rotate is a directory,
* then its children are subject to the Once Rule. The source path of
* a move (and its child paths) may be referenced in add_*, or as the
- * destination of a copy
+ * destination of a copy or move
* (where these new or copied nodes are subject to the Once Rule);
+ * the path of a delete may not (see later rule).
* Paths listed in a rotation are both sources and
* destinations, so they may not be referenced again in an
- * add_* or a deletion;
+ * add_* or a delete or a move-away;
* these paths may have alter_* operations applied.
+ *
+ * First op Subsequent ops allowed
+ * ------------- ----------------------
+ * add_directory (none)
+ * add_file (none)
+ * add_symlink (none)
+ * add_absent (none)
+ * alter_directory (none)
+ * alter_file (none)
+ * alter_symlink (none)
+ * delete add_*, copy-here, move-here (Once)
+ * move-away
+ * move-here alter_(same kind)
+ * copy-here alter_(same kind)
+ * rotate alter_(same kind)
* - The ancestor of an added, copied-here, moved-here, rotated, or
* modified node may not be deleted. The ancestor may not be moved
- Julian
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Received on 2012-12-06 21:39:33 CET