On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Julian Foad <julianfoad_at_btopenworld.com> wrote:
> Daniel Shahaf wrote:
>> Julian Foad wrote:
>>> Daniel Shahaf wrote:
>>> > Perfect, thanks. I think not-overriding for add/import is fine: for
>>> > 'import' only the repository files are affected, and for 'add' files
>>> > matching the pattern can be specified explicitly in the argv targets
>>> > (and auto-props added can be modified or stripped after 'add' and
>>> > before 'commit').
>>> Am I the only one going "Eww!" on reading this?
>>> We have three ways of specifying ignores, and we have an option that
>>> disregards them, only in one cammand it disregards all of the ways and
>>> in two other commands the option only disregards two of the ways. And
>>> we say "sure, that sounds perfect". It doesn't sound fine to me, it
>>> sounds horrible.
>>> What am I missing?
>> Do 'add' and 'import' already take the '--no-ignore' flag? My answer
>> was assuming they didn't.
> They do.
>> Also Julian you might want to review the semantics of svn:auto-props?
>> According to the wiki page there is no way to override or ignore those
>> upon add/import, either - I'm not completely happy with that.
> Thanks, I'll try to review that too.
If we ultimately decide[1] to allow svn:global-ignores to be
disregarded with the --no-ignore option, then I suggest it makes sense
for 'svn add' and 'svn import' to disregard the svn:auto-props
property when the --no-auto-props option is used. Anyone disagree?
[1] And it certainly looks as if we are going in that direction. I'll
give this thread a day before making any changes, so all interested
parties have a chance to weigh in.
Paul T. Burba
CollabNet, Inc. -- www.collab.net -- Enterprise Cloud Development
Skype: ptburba
Received on 2012-11-06 19:50:02 CET