Paul Burba wrote on Mon, Nov 05, 2012 at 21:45:23 -0500:
> On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Daniel Shahaf <> wrote:
> >
> > says 'svn status --no-ignore' does not disregard inherited
> > 'svn:global-ignores' properties.
> Hi Daniel,
> Sorry, that section is out of date, I corrected it. The --no-ignores
> option still works for status, it's only for import and add that it
> can't be overridden.
Perfect, thanks. I think not-overriding for add/import is fine: for
'import' only the repository files are affected, and for 'add' files
matching the pattern can be specified explicitly in the argv targets
(and auto-props added can be modified or stripped after 'add' and before
> > This breaks a use-case for me:
> > % svn status --no-ignore | xargs rm -rf
> >
> > How, with a 1.8 client, would I obtain a complete list of all
> > unversioned files in my working copy? "Complete" means - without
> > excluding any files (regardless of inherited props, runtime config, etc)
> Here's my trunk WC (with no global-ignores set in my config):
> Note that the unversioned *.py files are revealed with the --no-ignore option:
> trunk_at_1406029>svn st --depth immediates --no-ignore
> M .
> I
Thanks for the detailed answer.
> --
> Paul T. Burba
> CollabNet, Inc. -- -- Enterprise Cloud Development
> Skype: ptburba
Received on 2012-11-06 04:24:28 CET