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[svnbench] Revision: 1389172 compiled Sep 24 2012, 00:21:39 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

From: <neels_at_apache.org>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 00:33:07 +0000

subversion/libsvn_wc/revision_status.c:64: (apr_err=155021)
subversion/libsvn_wc/wc_db.c:12198: (apr_err=155021)
subversion/libsvn_wc/wc_db_wcroot.c:609: (apr_err=155021)
subversion/libsvn_wc/wc_db_wcroot.c:266: (apr_err=155021)
svn: E155021: This client is too old to work with the working copy at
'/home/neels/pat/trunk/src' (format 30).
You need to get a newer Subversion client. For more details, see

1.7.0_at_1181106 vs. trunk@
Started at Mon Sep 24 00:24:56 UTC 2012

*Disclaimer* - This tests only file://-URL access on a GNU/Linux VM.
This is intended to measure changes in performance of the local working
copy layer, *only*. These results are *not* generally true for everyone.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/neels/svnbench/benchmark.py", line 1173, in <module>
    cmdline_run(db, options, *args)
  File "/home/neels/svnbench/benchmark.py", line 842, in cmdline_run
    svn_bin, svnadmin_bin, options.verbose)
  File "/home/neels/svnbench/benchmark.py", line 530, in perform_run
    run = Run(batch, run_kind)
  File "/home/neels/svnbench/benchmark.py", line 358, in __init__
sqlite3.IntegrityError: run_kind.revision may not be NULL
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/neels/svnbench/benchmark.py", line 1173, in <module>
    cmdline_run(db, options, *args)
  File "/home/neels/svnbench/benchmark.py", line 842, in cmdline_run
    svn_bin, svnadmin_bin, options.verbose)
  File "/home/neels/svnbench/benchmark.py", line 530, in perform_run
    run = Run(batch, run_kind)
  File "/home/neels/svnbench/benchmark.py", line 358, in __init__
sqlite3.IntegrityError: run_kind.revision may not be NULL
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/neels/svnbench/benchmark.py", line 1173, in <module>
    cmdline_run(db, options, *args)
  File "/home/neels/svnbench/benchmark.py", line 842, in cmdline_run
    svn_bin, svnadmin_bin, options.verbose)
  File "/home/neels/svnbench/benchmark.py", line 530, in perform_run
    run = Run(batch, run_kind)
  File "/home/neels/svnbench/benchmark.py", line 358, in __init__
sqlite3.IntegrityError: run_kind.revision may not be NULL

Averaged-total results across all runs:

Compare 1.7.0 to trunk
       N avg operation
   39/108 0.75|-38.160 TOTAL RUN
    2K/6K 0.82| -0.004 add
   78/216 0.92| -0.077 checkout
  312/864 0.96| -0.355 commit
   39/108 0.93| -0.019 copy
   39/108 0.81| -0.064 delete
  195/540 0.12| -4.993 info
   78/216 0.81| -0.771 merge
    2K/6K 0.71| -0.004 mkdir
  104/252 0.67| -0.004 propdel
  29K/81K 0.67| -0.003 proplist
  29K/81K 0.70| -0.003 propset
    2K/7K 0.68| -0.004 ps
   78/216 0.84| -0.002 resolve
   78/216 0.79| -0.050 resolved
   546/1K 0.77| -0.047 status
   39/108 0.88| -0.177 switch
   546/1K 0.85| -0.127 update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

Above totals split into separate <dir-levels>x<dir-spread> runs:

Compare 1.7.0,5x5 to trunk,5x5
       N avg operation
    13/36 0.75|-109.268 TOTAL RUN
    2K/5K 0.82| -0.004 add
    26/72 0.93| -0.188 checkout
  104/288 0.97| -0.900 commit
    13/36 1.16| +0.047 copy
    13/36 0.81| -0.169 delete
   65/180 0.12|-14.858 info
    26/72 0.81| -2.104 merge
    1K/5K 0.72| -0.004 mkdir
  104/240 0.66| -0.004 propdel
  27K/76K 0.68| -0.003 proplist
  28K/76K 0.70| -0.003 propset
    2K/6K 0.68| -0.004 ps
    26/72 0.86| -0.001 resolve
    26/72 0.78| -0.135 resolved
  182/504 0.77| -0.117 status
    13/36 0.89| -0.438 switch
  182/504 0.85| -0.318 update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk,5x5' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,5x5' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

Compare 1.7.0,100x1 to trunk,100x1
       N avg operation
    13/36 0.86| -3.880 TOTAL RUN
  364/852 0.76| -0.004 add
    26/72 0.84| -0.031 checkout
  104/288 0.96| -0.089 commit
    13/36 0.77| -0.072 copy
    13/36 0.81| -0.021 delete
   65/180 0.55| -0.118 info
    26/72 0.79| -0.134 merge
  182/552 0.61| -0.006 mkdir
    1K/4K 0.66| -0.004 proplist
    1K/3K 0.70| -0.004 propset
   91/396 0.73| -0.004 ps
    26/72 0.82| -0.002 resolve
    26/72 0.85| -0.011 resolved
  182/504 0.74| -0.020 status
    13/36 0.80| -0.078 switch
  182/504 0.80| -0.055 update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk,100x1' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,100x1' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

Compare 1.7.0,1x100 to trunk,1x100
       N avg operation
    13/36 0.85| -1.333 TOTAL RUN
    13/36 0.84| -0.007 add
    26/72 0.87| -0.010 checkout
  104/288 0.90| -0.075 commit
    13/36 0.87| -0.033 copy
    13/36 0.94| -0.002 delete
   65/180 0.92| -0.005 info
    26/72 0.67| -0.075 merge
   481/1K 0.66| -0.003 proplist
   546/1K 0.68| -0.003 propset
    26/72 0.69| -0.003 ps
    26/72 0.83| -0.002 resolve
    26/72 0.74| -0.005 resolved
  182/504 0.74| -0.004 status
    13/36 0.77| -0.017 switch
  182/504 0.83| -0.008 update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk,1x100' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,1x100' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

More detail:

Timings for 1.7.0,5x5
   N min max avg operation (unit is seconds)
  13 395.33 561.33 428.77 TOTAL RUN
  2K 0.01 2.29 0.02 add
  26 0.02 5.81 2.70 checkout
 104 1.53 160.96 27.09 commit
  13 0.19 0.49 0.29 copy
  13 0.74 1.24 0.87 delete
  65 8.63 43.37 16.80 info
  26 6.81 21.02 11.01 merge
  1K 0.01 0.66 0.02 mkdir
 104 0.01 0.09 0.01 propdel
 27K 0.01 0.69 0.01 proplist
 28K 0.01 1.10 0.01 propset
  2K 0.01 0.54 0.01 ps
  26 0.01 0.01 0.01 resolve
  26 0.47 0.96 0.61 resolved
 182 0.20 1.08 0.52 status
  13 3.24 4.68 3.83 switch
 182 0.26 7.02 2.16 update

Timings for trunk,5x5
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
  36  290.50  489.96  319.50  TOTAL RUN
  5K    0.01    2.17    0.02  add
  72    0.02    6.18    2.51  checkout
 288    2.02  160.82   26.19  commit
  36    0.19    0.76    0.33  copy
  36    0.59    0.91    0.71  delete
 180    0.71    4.64    1.94  info
  72    4.36   18.12    8.91  merge
  5K    0.01    0.84    0.01  mkdir
 240    0.01    0.10    0.01  propdel
 76K    0.01    1.34    0.01  proplist
 76K    0.01    1.01    0.01  propset
  6K    0.01    0.40    0.01  ps
  72    0.01    0.05    0.01  resolve
  72    0.31    1.36    0.48  resolved
 504    0.13    2.56    0.40  status
  36    2.45    7.03    3.40  switch
 504    0.21    6.63    1.84  update
Compare 1.7.0,5x5 to trunk,5x5
       N        min              max              avg         operation
    13/36    0.73|-104.826    0.87|-71.376     0.75|-109.268  TOTAL RUN
    2K/5K    0.69| -0.003     0.95| -0.120     0.82| -0.004   add
    26/72    0.78| -0.004     1.06| +0.374     0.93| -0.188   checkout
  104/288    1.32| +0.484     1.00| -0.138     0.97| -0.900   commit
    13/36    1.05| +0.009     1.55| +0.269     1.16| +0.047   copy
    13/36    0.80| -0.151     0.73| -0.335     0.81| -0.169   delete
   65/180    0.08| -7.923     0.11|-38.734     0.12|-14.858   info
    26/72    0.64| -2.451     0.86| -2.898     0.81| -2.104   merge
    1K/5K    0.69| -0.003     1.28| +0.182     0.72| -0.004   mkdir
  104/240    0.69| -0.003     1.13| +0.011     0.66| -0.004   propdel
  27K/76K    0.66| -0.003     1.95| +0.654     0.68| -0.003   proplist
  28K/76K    0.68| -0.003     0.92| -0.085     0.70| -0.003   propset
    2K/6K    0.68| -0.003     0.73| -0.147     0.68| -0.004   ps
    26/72    0.78| -0.002     3.61| +0.037     0.86| -0.001   resolve
    26/72    0.66| -0.160     1.42| +0.401     0.78| -0.135   resolved
  182/504    0.67| -0.066     2.37| +1.479     0.77| -0.117   status
    13/36    0.76| -0.788     1.50| +2.349     0.89| -0.438   switch
  182/504    0.83| -0.043     0.95| -0.384     0.85| -0.318   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk,5x5' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,5x5' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)
Timings for 1.7.0,100x1
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
  13   24.71   43.91   28.62  TOTAL RUN
 364    0.01    0.21    0.02  add
  26    0.02    0.43    0.19  checkout
 104    0.31   10.98    2.03  commit
  13    0.19    1.29    0.32  copy
  13    0.11    0.13    0.11  delete
  65    0.17    0.48    0.26  info
  26    0.59    0.83    0.64  merge
 182    0.01    0.47    0.02  mkdir
  1K    0.01    0.06    0.01  proplist
  1K    0.01    0.04    0.01  propset
  91    0.01    0.02    0.01  ps
  26    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolve
  26    0.05    0.10    0.07  resolved
 182    0.04    0.13    0.08  status
  13    0.37    0.41    0.39  switch
 182    0.05    1.02    0.28  update
Timings for trunk,100x1
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
  36   20.95   41.24   24.74  TOTAL RUN
 852    0.01    0.17    0.01  add
  72    0.02    0.34    0.16  checkout
 288    0.83    9.62    1.94  commit
  36    0.16    0.68    0.25  copy
  36    0.08    0.12    0.09  delete
 180    0.10    0.39    0.14  info
  72    0.39    1.02    0.51  merge
 552    0.01    0.15    0.01  mkdir
  12    0.01    0.01    0.01  propdel
  4K    0.01    0.08    0.01  proplist
  3K    0.01    0.10    0.01  propset
 396    0.01    0.02    0.01  ps
  72    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolve
  72    0.05    0.08    0.06  resolved
 504    0.03    0.10    0.06  status
  36    0.28    0.60    0.31  switch
 504    0.04    0.73    0.22  update
Compare 1.7.0,100x1 to trunk,100x1
       N        min              max              avg         operation
    13/36    0.85| -3.762     0.94| -2.677     0.86| -3.880   TOTAL RUN
  364/852    0.68| -0.003     0.81| -0.038     0.76| -0.004   add
    26/72    0.77| -0.005     0.79| -0.090     0.84| -0.031   checkout
  104/288    2.67| +0.519     0.88| -1.360     0.96| -0.089   commit
    13/36    0.87| -0.023     0.52| -0.618     0.77| -0.072   copy
    13/36    0.76| -0.025     0.93| -0.009     0.81| -0.021   delete
   65/180    0.60| -0.066     0.80| -0.098     0.55| -0.118   info
    26/72    0.67| -0.196     1.24| +0.195     0.79| -0.134   merge
  182/552    0.68| -0.003     0.32| -0.318     0.61| -0.006   mkdir
    1K/4K    0.64| -0.003     1.33| +0.020     0.66| -0.004   proplist
    1K/3K    0.68| -0.003     2.47| +0.061     0.70| -0.004   propset
   91/396    0.62| -0.004     1.12| +0.002     0.73| -0.004   ps
    26/72    0.77| -0.002     1.10| +0.001     0.82| -0.002   resolve
    26/72    0.94| -0.003     0.85| -0.015     0.85| -0.011   resolved
  182/504    0.70| -0.013     0.74| -0.034     0.74| -0.020   status
    13/36    0.76| -0.090     1.49| +0.197     0.80| -0.078   switch
  182/504    0.80| -0.010     0.72| -0.289     0.80| -0.055   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk,100x1' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,100x1' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)
Timings for 1.7.0,1x100
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
  13    7.69   17.23    9.06  TOTAL RUN
  13    0.04    0.05    0.04  add
  26    0.02    0.15    0.08  checkout
 104    0.18    5.67    0.73  commit
  13    0.18    0.66    0.25  copy
  13    0.02    0.03    0.02  delete
  65    0.05    0.10    0.06  info
  26    0.14    0.61    0.23  merge
 481    0.01    0.03    0.01  proplist
 546    0.01    0.05    0.01  propset
  26    0.01    0.01    0.01  ps
  26    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolve
  26    0.02    0.02    0.02  resolved
 182    0.01    0.03    0.02  status
  13    0.07    0.08    0.07  switch
 182    0.02    0.14    0.05  update
Timings for trunk,1x100
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
  36    6.64   12.30    7.73  TOTAL RUN
  36    0.03    0.05    0.04  add
  72    0.02    0.14    0.07  checkout
 288    0.18    4.64    0.66  commit
  36    0.16    0.44    0.22  copy
  36    0.02    0.11    0.02  delete
 180    0.04    0.10    0.05  info
  72    0.09    0.33    0.15  merge
  1K    0.01    0.01    0.01  proplist
  1K    0.01    0.01    0.01  propset
  72    0.01    0.01    0.01  ps
  72    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolve
  72    0.01    0.02    0.01  resolved
 504    0.01    0.02    0.01  status
  36    0.05    0.07    0.06  switch
 504    0.01    0.15    0.04  update
Compare 1.7.0,1x100 to trunk,1x100
       N        min              max              avg         operation
    13/36    0.86| -1.046     0.71| -4.930     0.85| -1.333   TOTAL RUN
    13/36    0.84| -0.007     0.98| -0.001     0.84| -0.007   add
    26/72    0.78| -0.004     0.91| -0.013     0.87| -0.010   checkout
  104/288    0.99| -0.002     0.82| -1.029     0.90| -0.075   commit
    13/36    0.90| -0.018     0.67| -0.218     0.87| -0.033   copy
    13/36    0.84| -0.004     3.76| +0.083     0.94| -0.002   delete
   65/180    0.92| -0.004     0.98| -0.002     0.92| -0.005   info
    26/72    0.64| -0.052     0.54| -0.280     0.67| -0.075   merge
   481/1K    0.65| -0.003     0.45| -0.016     0.66| -0.003   proplist
   546/1K    0.69| -0.003     0.30| -0.032     0.68| -0.003   propset
    26/72    0.68| -0.003     0.80| -0.003     0.69| -0.003   ps
    26/72    0.76| -0.002     1.05| +0.001     0.83| -0.002   resolve
    26/72    0.58| -0.006     0.82| -0.004     0.74| -0.005   resolved
  182/504    0.70| -0.003     0.77| -0.006     0.74| -0.004   status
    13/36    0.76| -0.016     0.92| -0.007     0.77| -0.017   switch
  182/504    0.82| -0.003     1.09| +0.012     0.83| -0.008   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk,1x100' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,1x100' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)
Timings for 1.7.0
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
  39    7.69  561.33  155.48  TOTAL RUN
  2K    0.01    2.29    0.02  add
  78    0.02    5.81    0.99  checkout
 312    0.18  160.96    9.95  commit
  39    0.18    1.29    0.28  copy
  39    0.02    1.24    0.34  delete
 195    0.05   43.37    5.70  info
  78    0.14   21.02    3.96  merge
  2K    0.01    0.66    0.02  mkdir
 104    0.01    0.09    0.01  propdel
 29K    0.01    0.69    0.01  proplist
 29K    0.01    1.10    0.01  propset
  2K    0.01    0.54    0.01  ps
  78    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolve
  78    0.02    0.96    0.24  resolved
 546    0.01    1.08    0.20  status
  39    0.07    4.68    1.43  switch
 546    0.02    7.02    0.83  update
Timings for trunk
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
 108    6.64  489.96  117.32  TOTAL RUN
  6K    0.01    2.17    0.02  add
 216    0.02    6.18    0.91  checkout
 864    0.18  160.82    9.60  commit
 108    0.16    0.76    0.27  copy
 108    0.02    0.91    0.27  delete
 540    0.04    4.64    0.71  info
 216    0.09   18.12    3.19  merge
  6K    0.01    0.84    0.01  mkdir
 252    0.01    0.10    0.01  propdel
 81K    0.01    1.34    0.01  proplist
 81K    0.01    1.01    0.01  propset
  7K    0.01    0.40    0.01  ps
 216    0.01    0.05    0.01  resolve
 216    0.01    1.36    0.18  resolved
  1K    0.01    2.56    0.16  status
 108    0.05    7.03    1.25  switch
  1K    0.01    6.63    0.70  update
Compare 1.7.0 to trunk
       N        min              max              avg         operation
   39/108    0.86| -1.046     0.87|-71.376     0.75|-38.160   TOTAL RUN
    2K/6K    0.69| -0.003     0.95| -0.120     0.82| -0.004   add
   78/216    0.77| -0.004     1.06| +0.374     0.92| -0.077   checkout
  312/864    0.99| -0.002     1.00| -0.138     0.96| -0.355   commit
   39/108    0.90| -0.018     0.59| -0.535     0.93| -0.019   copy
   39/108    0.84| -0.004     0.73| -0.335     0.81| -0.064   delete
  195/540    0.92| -0.004     0.11|-38.734     0.12| -4.993   info
   78/216    0.64| -0.052     0.86| -2.898     0.81| -0.771   merge
    2K/6K    0.69| -0.003     1.28| +0.182     0.71| -0.004   mkdir
  104/252    0.69| -0.003     1.13| +0.011     0.67| -0.004   propdel
  29K/81K    0.66| -0.003     1.95| +0.654     0.67| -0.003   proplist
  29K/81K    0.69| -0.003     0.92| -0.085     0.70| -0.003   propset
    2K/7K    0.68| -0.003     0.73| -0.147     0.68| -0.004   ps
   78/216    0.76| -0.002     3.61| +0.037     0.84| -0.002   resolve
   78/216    0.58| -0.006     1.42| +0.401     0.79| -0.050   resolved
   546/1K    0.70| -0.003     2.37| +1.479     0.77| -0.047   status
   39/108    0.76| -0.016     1.50| +2.349     0.88| -0.177   switch
   546/1K    0.82| -0.003     0.95| -0.384     0.85| -0.127   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)
Had started at Mon Sep 24 00:24:56 UTC 2012,
       done at Mon Sep 24 00:33:07 UTC 2012
real 490.97
user 237.23
sys 68.88
Received on 2012-09-24 02:35:44 CEST

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