On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 8:54 PM, Daniel Shahaf <d.s_at_daniel.shahaf.name> wrote:
> Johan Corveleyn wrote on Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 10:25:02 +0200:
>> Trying to further pin down issue #4174 [1], which only occurs with
>> serf over https (and only on Windows clients I think), I'd like to try
>> running the test-suite over https. Is there any documentation on that?
>> I looked in the community guide, in subversion/tests/README and in
>> subversion/tests/cmdline/README, but didn't find anything.
>> Getting apache configured with a self-signed cert or with a simple
>> example cert should be easy enough, but I'm wondering how to get the
>> test-suite to trust that server cert. Any hints?
> Add the certificate to auth/svn.ssl.server/ under the config-dir that
> svntest/main.py creates, or change _with_command() to pass
> --trust-server-cert in addition to --non-interactive.
> Makes sense?
Okay, I see there is an --ssl-cert option in svntest/main.py which
does the necessary stuff. It's just not exposed through win-tests.py.
Received on 2012-08-11 22:12:16 CEST