Stefan2 asks how to ignore the *.{merge-left,merge-right,mine} files
when presenting a list of 'svn add' candidates.
On IRC his solution is to loop through `svn info | grep
'^Conflict.*File: '` in the directory. (The alternative was to strip
the extension(s) and `svn info` that.) But we shouldn't really ask API
consumers to do that...
So, RFC:
Subversion should treat the conflict files (the files that occur as
values of the dirent abspath members of svn_wc_conflict_description2_t)
as ignored files --- as if they were matched by an svn:ignore property
or a global-ignores setting. The existing APIs would keep their current
behaviour of reporting such files as unversioned files. (Presumably
that means adding a new status enum value and coalescing them into
'I'gnored in subversion/svn/status.c and in the API backwards
compatibility wrappers.) It would still be possible to 'svn add' such
files, just like it's possible to add ignored files today.
Alternatively, it is suggested to teach svn_wc_add() (and friends?) to
skip such files (with notification) unless --force is passed (i.e., an
opt-in feature --- which of course the backward compatibility wrappers
will enable).
Makes sense?
Received on 2011-11-01 13:00:35 CET