[\bindings\javahl\native\JNIThreadData.cpp:40]: (warning) Member variable 'JNIThreadData::m_formatBuffer' is not initialized in the constructor. [\bindings\javahl\native\JNIUtil.h:40] -> [\include\svn_types.h:148]: (style) Struct 'svn_error_t' forward declaration unnecessary, already declared [\libsvn_auth_kwallet\kwallet.cpp:203]: (style) Variable 'app' is assigned a value that is never used [\libsvn_auth_kwallet\kwallet.cpp:273]: (style) Variable 'app' is assigned a value that is never used [\libsvn_delta\compat.c:859]: (style) Variable 'path' is assigned a value that is never used [\libsvn_delta\compose_delta.c:93] -> [\libsvn_delta\compose_delta.c:92]: (style) Union 'alloc_block_t' hides typedef with same name [\libsvn_diff\diff.c:71]: (style) Variable 'diff' is not assigned a value [\libsvn_diff\token.c:158]: (style) Variable 'start_position' is not assigned a value [\include\private\svn_temp_serializer.h:42] -> [\include\svn_string.h:120]: (style) Struct 'svn_stringbuf_t' forward declaration unnecessary, already declared [\libsvn_subr\utf.c:678]: (portability) Assigning an address value to the integer (int/long/etc) type is not portable