The next in our series of 1.7.0 prereleases is now posted for testing
and siging: 1.7.0-alpha2. These are cut from trunk, and the magic rev
is r1137713. The buildbots were green at that rev, and all tests pass
for me locally. You can find them here:
As with the previous alpha release and there are obviously known
issues (but hopefully fewer of them!) The purpose is to give
distributors and downstream consumers a concrete milestone against
which to test, as well as vet our release processes on ASF
infrastructure. As you may expect, these prereleases are intended for
intrepid users and testers only.
Since 1.7.0-alpha1, I've made a number of changes to the release
scripts, so please make sure the distribution tarballs contain
everything you'd expect them to.
I hope to get signatures from folks by the end of Wednesday, June 22,
and then do the public announcement. Historically, we've not required
a full set of signatures for alphas and betas, but it would be nice to
get at least some coverage besides just my own. As you send in your
signature announcement, please note any issues you found with the
alpha release (these will be included in the public announcement).
Please send sigs here:
Received on 2011-06-20 23:54:58 CEST