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[bug 3740] Change of default behaviour

From: Dimstar / Dominique Leuenberger <dimstar_at_opensuse.org>
Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 15:22:57 +0200

Hi SVN Devs,

A while back, I proposed a patch that would make svn transparently use
proxy as configured in the session, by relying on ne_neon_system_proxy
(which, in turn, uses libproxy in the background).

The advantage of this is of course mainly for notebook users / users
changing location every once in a while.

current situation (fact for me for example):
- I connect to a SVN repository from home, where I do not use a proxy
- I connect to the same repository from work, where I require a proxy
- I connect to a repository at work (not reachable from outside) without
a proxy

The last one obviously does not cause any trouble (as long as I'm in the

The first two, being the same repo from different locations, are an
annoyance: depending on where I am i have to reconfigure my
~/.subversion/servers file, giving either proxy options or not. Setting
global proxy is not so great, as I'd have to exclude all internal
repositories. Non global is not cool, as I have to configure proxy for a
bunch of repositories.

Now, with the patch proposed in bug 3740, this get's transparently
handled by having my system proxy settings correctly set (which, anyhow
I have to do, for web browser and all the other proxy aware

Thus reducing my 'overhead' for the same work to one control panel only
(and no file based settings).

Now of course I do understand that this patch does bring a change in the
default behavior of svn: so far, we simply ignored system settings and
let the user crawl through a documentation, finding on how to enable the
proxy (based on the number of blog posts on how to do this, it might be
a bit hidden, but that's another topic).

I for one though would argue that we're just fixing a long standing bug,
by finally not ignoring the system anymore. Making the day-to-day life

For the background of how libproxy works:
The proxy settings are extracted from your running system session. This
means if you're running in gnome, then the gnome settings are being
used, if you're on KDE, the KDE settings apply. On Mac and Windows, the
respective 'most appropriate' settings are used (on Win that means the
IE settings).
By relying on libproxy, you gain immediate support for wpad and pac
support, the ignore list of gnome/kde are respected. And as the whole
thing is further abstracted to svn by libneon, there is literally
nothing to do to fix it.

I'm looking forward to your comments, hopefully an approval to have the
'default behavior' of svn changed and start to use the system proxy
SETTINGS where available.

Best regards,
Dominique / DimStar
Received on 2011-05-30 15:29:48 CEST

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